Paul Lara
{K:88111} 3/7/2007
Wow. This is FANTASTIC!
Luis Diogo
{K:6019} 7/18/2005
Very nice scene, beautiful perspective,light and colors, congratulations for this moment, excelent photografy. Luis.
paolo marin
{K:4652} 7/6/2005
mi piace la granulositŕ e molto la luce morbida laterale. il fatto che il soggetto guardi "fuori" dal quadro esprime sogno e fa sognare chi la guarda. purtroppo non si vede neanche una parte della finestra tramite cui la ragazza guarda fuori ma un muro scuro e questo si scontra con l'andamento compositivo. anche perchč il fatto di non vedere la finestra ma uno sfondo buio mi da una grande sensazione di solitudine e incapacitŕ di agire... se questo č ciň che volevi trasmettere... complimenti.. .ci sei riuscita!
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 7/3/2005
nice capture.. love the perspective.. good lighting.. nice work
Margaret Claws
{K:83} 7/2/2005
Mohamed Banna
{K:34237} 7/1/2005
great photo.. i like it 7/7
Alexander Dederer
{K:1511} 7/1/2005
Good photo by noise on the upper side... May be this noise must be deleted?
sanjeev jain
{K:8763} 7/1/2005
everything is beautiful in this but as they say nothing is perfect and all is under lesson to learn. so i am daring in the adventure of critising u a bit. Subject is little more on the left of the middle so the whole attention is shifting.
but again coming back. i like placement of the subject now as sittling close to the window leaving the darkness behind. her half rodin posture and everything spreaded around her show she is going through many things at the same time. which is very human but in such a desolated place is noticeable. like a small child she is surrounded all by herself in various ways i liked speaking on this image and can go on. but my time is over
good work
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 7/1/2005
another wonderful dear Eva, my best congrats and have a good week end roby
kike Calvo
{K:11291} 7/1/2005
Ole y ole!! Wonderfull serie Congratulations for BIP. Saludos Eva. 7
thomas M
{K:1007} 7/1/2005
another great shot.... I have never used this fuji film, I may try it out .... thanks to you:)
congrats, tamas
{K:8878} 7/1/2005
wonderfull composition and good perspective and light...