Sion Dalais
{K:511} 7/13/2005
nice button pressing skills lol
Danny Brannigan
{K:19523} 6/27/2005
Yes angelo You are right and thank you for commenting,. The Rural Britain entry is not the same pi although it is the same subject. I have about 40-50 but just from different angles. You can do that when you don't have to buy film.
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 6/27/2005
I've seen your unaltered version of this that you entered for the BBC digital picture of Britain competition and I much prefer the "straight" version.
But that's just my personal preference, of course.
Saqib Zulfiqar
{K:2745} 6/20/2005
Looks very interesting.
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 6/19/2005
"Pressed a lot of buttons."
Nice one, Danny. Very artistic. Looks like some kind of nuclear aftermath.
Anis Ahmed
{K:356} 6/18/2005
nice composition.
Sally Morgan
{K:9219} 6/18/2005
The mood is very dramatic in this photo - but I have to say I prefer the earlier version - which I thought was really super!
Ismet Smajis
{K:6911} 6/18/2005
Nice photoart :)