Pierre Martin
{K:3355} 5/23/2005
Hi Sherry,
Thanks for the wonderful comments on my aurora shot!
Pierre Martin
{K:3355} 5/23/2005
Thanks Pat!
- Pierre
Sherry S
{K:2757} 5/19/2005
I think I need to travel to Canada! this is gorgeous, you've captured it beautifully, and you have done a wonderful job stitching it together.
Patrick Ziegler
{K:21797} 5/18/2005
Nice Pano! We don't get the Aroras like this down here in South Dakota.
Pierre Martin
{K:3355} 5/17/2005
Hi Kim,
Auroras are a very tricky thing to predict, but when astronomers spot a solar flare or a coronal explosion on the Sun, it can often be a sign that auroras are imminent two or three days later. This past weekend, there was an extreme aurora activity visible all the way to Texas. Here's a few links for aurora forecasts and activity... spaceweather.com spacew.com/www/aurora.php spaceweather.gc.ca/myservlet/geomag/forecast/main_e.jsp
Pierre Martin
{K:3355} 5/17/2005
Hi Kim,
Unfortunately, I live within a big city so I do have to travel out if I want to get a good view. For these recent pictures I took, I drove 3 hours drive north of Ottawa to an area that completely lacked light pollution. Auroras are a tricky thing to predict, but when astronomers spot a solar flare or a coronal explosion on the Sun, it can often be a sign that auroras are imminent two or three days later. This past weekend, there was an extreme aurora activity visible all the way to Texas, unfortunately I was totally clouded out here. Here's a few links where you can stay tune on aurora forecasts and activity... spaceweather.com spacew.com/www/aurora.php spaceweather.gc.ca/myservlet/geomag/forecast/main_e.jsp
Pierre Martin
{K:3355} 5/17/2005
Thanks again Amanda!!! I was just going through your collection and enjoy your photos!
Pierre Martin
{K:3355} 5/17/2005
Hi Kim,
I've been trying to send you a response about the auroras since yesterday, and for some reason it's not showing up on UF. Can you let me know if you did receive it?
Amanda Dowell
{K:956} 5/17/2005
Wow, 300 photos!!! You did extremely well and I bet it is hard to pick the 'best of' out of all those. Amanda
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 5/16/2005
Pierre, How do you know if there is going to be an aurora? Or do you live outside of town and can see them from where you live?
Pierre Martin
{K:3355} 5/16/2005
Hi Kim,
Thank you very much for your comments. I'm glad you like it so much. The panoramic does cover a large portion of the northern horizon. I found the single frames didn't quite cut it in being able to show the beautiful circular shape.... so I just had to try a panorama. I'm glad it turned out the way it did. I hope you have a chance to see a good aurora... it can be a sight that you will never forget. Thanks again!
Pierre Martin
{K:3355} 5/16/2005
Thank you Mary! I appreciate the comment!
Pierre Martin
{K:3355} 5/16/2005
Thanks Paul!
Pierre Martin
{K:3355} 5/16/2005
Hi Shane,
Thank you very much for the wonderful feedback. I'm really happy the panoramic worked out the way it did. I really appreciate your kind words Shane... and THANKS for printing me out those copies too!! )
Pierre Martin
{K:3355} 5/16/2005
Thank you Amanda. I was really lucky to be where I was on that night. The location had zero light pollution and is completely isolated from all cities. The aurora came as a complete surprise. Furtunately, I had all my camera stuff with me and was shooting away all night. I took about 300 photos :))
Pierre Martin
{K:3355} 5/16/2005
Thanks Petal for the very kind comments. I'm glad you enjoyed my aurora picture!
Pierre Martin
{K:3355} 5/16/2005
Thanks Neil!
Pierre Martin
{K:3355} 5/16/2005
Thank you Joanna!
Kim Culbert
{K:37070} 5/15/2005
I love the Northern Lights (or more accurately, pictures of the Northern Lights, as I have only ever seen them three times, and not very vibrant displays!) This went directly into my favourites folder... the panormaic gives it such a scope of how large it was and you did an amazing job stitching them together seamlessly. Great use of trees and hills to add some interest to the foreground as well.
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 5/15/2005
It's a wonderfully amazing, beautuful, stunning composition. Mary
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 5/15/2005
This is outstanding!
Bea Friedli
{K:10189} 5/15/2005
stunning !
Shane Finnigan
{K:1990} 5/15/2005
OH YA! The Panoramic!!!!! What can I say Pierre. With this picture it's like really being there! This shot is amazing for so many reasons it's hard to list them all. Very well done ....as if you didn't already know my feeling on this one ) You know you've inspired me to give one of these a shot myself, the next time I'm out shooting an aurora!!!
Excellent work Pierre!
Amanda Dowell
{K:956} 5/15/2005
An incredible capture...it would have been amazing to see in real life as it is in your photo. I bet you were clicking away madly!!! Amanda
Petal Wijnen
{K:50989} 5/15/2005
Wonderful panorama!!! Great view, colors and stitching... well done!!! That's some sight, awesome... ;-D!!!
ellie photos
{K:1583} 5/15/2005
Beautiful image, very creative.
Robert Delgadillo
{K:3509} 5/15/2005
Out of this world. Great PS work. Bob
Neil Holden
{K:602} 5/15/2005
Your patience has certainly paid off here pierre.. well done.. good work..
Joanna Ohmori
{K:547} 5/15/2005
Wow! That is really amazing! I wish I could have been there too.