Range: The Snowy Owl is a bird of the frozen tundra. At times they venture as far south as the Shetland Islands, but this is usually only when there is a severe scarcity of prey in their normal abode, and then only in the depth of winter. Most of the apparent bulk of this bird is, in fact, feather insulation. It is nothing like as large and powerful as the European Eagle Owl, although it appears outwardly to be about the same size. Experiments have shown that it can easily survive ambient temperatures below the lowest recorded in the northern hemisphere, -62 degC (-80 degF).
Diet: Although the Snowy Owl can and does take a variety of prey, in common with many other birds of prey it does have a favourite. In the case of the Snowy Owl, the favoured prey is the Lemming, and the fortune and distribution of the Snowy Owl is very much tied to that little creature. It does, however, also take mammals to the size of rabbit, and birds, including some raptors!
Hi Denka, Thank you so much for all the inforamtion provided. The image is awesome. Very nice colors and contrast. I like the light right on his face. The eyes are so vivid. Thank you very much for sharing. I want to invite you to my page to see some of my owls. Take care and keep up the good job. Yamil