{K:8657} 5/16/2005
your best portrait yet Danny (can you not get a horror picture on (as in your dial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Keith Saint
{K:13784} 5/3/2005
Canny lass Danny. They all like that in Ashington
Paolo De Maio
{K:34932} 5/3/2005
really a wonderful and delicate shot!!! Great job of post production about the smart blur around her face.. well done!!
My best compliments
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 5/2/2005
Danny, for what it's worth, the technique I use when adding blur goes something along the following lines:
1. Selec the are where I DON'T want it applied and save that selection 2. Select the area I WANT blurred, then subtract the earlier selection (Load selection) 3. Feather the selection 4. Layer via copy 5. Apply the blur
Well, it works for me...
Danny Brannigan
{K:19523} 5/2/2005
Angelo, You are quite correct. There was some Gausian blur on another layer then I brought the lips and eyes backt hrough on a layer mask.
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 5/2/2005
What a beauty, Danny. Lovely eyes and lips. Was the missus with you on the trip?
Methinks there's a bit of added blur in PS - it looks a bit unnatural, as the nose is a bit too blurred and doesn't "fit" in the picture.
Still, as a candid portrait, it is very nice.