George Black
{K:102014} 12/19/2005
Rafael--I was looking at your pictures today and realized I hadn't followed through on my suggestions on this one. As I said, I much approve of the work you did, but here is another version that just takes your ideas a bit futher. Not an improvement perhaps, but a very good challenge. Sorry to have been so slow in responding. Best wishes, --George
 Golden Eye |
Ezequiel Lozada
{K:17176} 4/14/2005
Marvelous. Ez
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 4/1/2005
Qué bien has capatado la textura de la imagen! Me encanta tambien el encuadre y el manejo de la luz! Saludos.
Luís Lobo Henriques
{K:9002} 3/31/2005
Like a prayer! I love budhas, Raf! Cheers.
Raf D
{K:9223} 3/31/2005
George, thanks for your comments. As I mentioned, the original picture had potential, nice crop made interesting, but no oomph! By all means take it into your hands, I would love to see where this picture can go... Regards, Rafael
George Black
{K:102014} 3/31/2005
Wonderful! Your work is really splendid. Since you have led the way, I now wonder if even more grain, sharpness, contrast, color would take the image even more towards the abstract (transcendent). Still--as it is--this is a picture anyone could be proud of. Congratulations, --George
Raf D
{K:9223} 3/30/2005
Marian, many thanks, glad you enjoy it. It's a humble attempt to be more creative :) R
Marian Man
{K:80636} 3/30/2005
dont know much about PS...but I like it!!!! is so different and so nicely cropped!!!! best regards Marian
Raf D
{K:9223} 3/30/2005
Thanks for your comment, Naomi. Actually it was a hugely gigantic WHITE Buddha, not a golden one, the only gold were the little pieces of gold leaf...
Naomi Weidner
{K:6636} 3/30/2005
I LOVE the cropping, but I'm not sure about the silver. Was it really a gold Buddha (I assume it was since you mention the gold leaf)? -- Naomi