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Weapons Of Mass Destruction
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Image Title:  Weapons Of Mass Destruction
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 By: In Transit  
  Copyright ©2005

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Photographer In Transit  In Transit {Karma:29432}
Project #23 Objects Camera Model Rollei 35
Categories Journalism
Still Life
Film Format
Portfolio Lens sonnar
Uploaded 2/22/2005 Film / Memory Type Ilford (I guess)
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1050 Shutter
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About "The gravest danger our Nation faces lies at the cross roads... the only path to peace and security is the path of action"
President Bush, Sep.17,2002

Uranium hexafluoride, or UF6, is a compound used in the uranium enrichment process that produces fuel for nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons. It is highly toxic, reacts violently with water and is corrosive to most metals. It reacts mildly with aluminum, forming a thin surface layer of Al2F3 that resists further reaction.

These captures were taken at a USA port, where the one security guard could hardly read my ID, did not care why I was there...!

The cylinders were full, containing UF6, placed not 50m from Aluminium billets.

And it is this product that Washington has accused North Korea of supplying Iran, for its WoMD program!

Will not disclose to/from they destined/originated... under undoubted threat of the NSF-CIA-FBI...

Trucks were passing all day and night, and the forces that be, could have easily disappeared with one or more cylinders!

But every foreigner entering America is being fingerprinted upon arrival... what... to be able to trace the theft of these raw materials?

... HOMELAND SECURITY ... Sorry... a sad case... for sure!
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There are 16 Comments in 1 Pages
Ryan Torres   {K:411} 3/5/2005
I took a photograph in Long Beach Harbor from a bridge into a shipping yard, a few months ago and within 5 minutes there was 3 LB Harbor Patrol & 4 LBPD officers responding, they questioned me at the scene for a couple of hours and determined I was not threat and let me go. They also sent detectives to my house the next day to take a look at my photography portfolio.

So not all homeland security is a joke. What happened to me terrifying but I'm glad to see that the security is there.


Neal Nye   {K:15827} 2/26/2005
I think you've done us all, and the country, a service by posting this shocking picture. Not only is it good photography, but it's educational as well. Thank you.


In Transit In Transit   {K:29432} 2/25/2005
Ahhh Mr. Truesdale...

Simply as a quasi qualification to 'he who has the gold... makes the rules... here is today's quote:

China National Offshore Oil Corporation is considering a nearly $14bn (£7bn, ?10.6bn) takeover of Unocal of the US. Sinopec, another Chinese state-controlled oil group, has struck a $70bn deal to buy Iranian crude oil and liquefied natural gas over three decades.China has sent $6bn to Rosneft, the Russian company that bought the main production unit of the embattled Yukos oil group, as advance payment for oil supplies.
(FT London)

May I suggest to learn Mandarin, Sir, as one may be working for them!


In Transit In Transit   {K:29432} 2/24/2005
I have noted the three comments that you have so kindly provided, for which I thank you, profusely!

This is not a venue for your tirade!

You have suggested that the About "reek(s) ...". Sir, them's the facts. The quotes are standard, and may be quoted without referral.

Clearly we read different newspapers, and journals. IMO there are probably only 2-3 worthwhile rags, but 'US Today' is not one of them and... The Greenville News+?!

I shall not post a pic of the cylinder seals & documentation... FYI, in Europe such transport, requires each mode mode constant satellite tracking, for what Pres. Bush has accused N. Korea of selling-shipping to Iran as WoMD!

The USCG, I would suppose (4 sure) will have a detailed description of the vessel.

You may have the right to carry... but please put your gun away, this is a venue for photography, which may include an "About", proffering some background info. It is my habit to add such "Abouts", while it does not appear to be yours.

I will for good order, grant you 24 hours to view this reply, and then delete this submission, so not/not worry little minds.

In closing, I have reasons to remain some-what 'un-named', but as Winston Churchill stated in so many words "we must protect ourselves with a bodyguard of lies".

Thank you


In Transit In Transit   {K:29432} 2/24/2005
To Jonathan T.

I have noted the three comments upon the pic submnission, that you have so kindly provided, for which I thank you, profusely!

From your self pic, and the multitude of your 'Abouts' with your submissions, you appear to be a well versed and dressed to the nines a la Brook's Bros., and as such respond with due respect.

It is interesting to note that you have spent such an apparent inordinate amount of time " examine every pixel of this image to make sure...", while finally profering a good and constructive comment upon the pic itself (ooops it is upon the 'About' only, not the pic!). You are to be congratulated my dear John C.T.!

I have to suggest that this is hardly the venue to discuss your apparent objections upon the 'About', but if the UF/Admin & you allow me to say...

Looking at the NY Times, WSJ & the London FT this morning, and the captions upon various photos, there do not appear to be any, and I repeat any, necessarily direct references to the article printed, and are more often than not, drawn from the resources of Getty, Corus et al.

I have made a simply statement, in respect to "
... HOMELAND SECURITY ... Sorry... a sad case... for sure!".
I fully appreciate that it takes time to re-organize and prepare, and only a few billion of other people's USD (e.g China being the holder of a great proportion of US foreign debt, and BTW 'he who has the gold, makes the rules').

You have suggested that this submission "reek(s) of uninformed, sensationalist, tabloid trash, psuedo-journalism". Sir, them's the facts i.e. what has been stated, by the photographer who knows little else. The quotes are drawn from standard chemical dictionaries et cetera, and may be quoted without referral (otherwise members of this Global Village would not be able to communicate in AmeriKan (sic).

Clearly we read different newspapers, and journals. IMO there are probably only 2-3 worthwhile rags, and I do not know what S.Carolina has to offer, but 'US Today' is not one of them and I can not comment upon The Greenville News!

Shall I post a pic of the cylinder seals & documentation... I think not as you have already checked... and please re-read "Will not disclose to/from they destined/originated...". FYI, in Europe such transport today, requires each mode to have constant satellite tracking, with licensed & ?educated? control (not just a fellow who can hardly read). Please recall that this very product is what Pres. Bush has accused N. Korea of selling-shipping to Iran as WoMD!

The USCG, I would suppose (4 sure) will have a detailed description of the vessel, copies of the crew's passports, manifest, registry et cetera (all provided a minimum of 24 hours prior to sailing from the originating port, BTW Czech being land-locked hardly maintains deep sea fleet but has good crews) so suggest there is no need to waste your time any more, and concentrate on your pics, and proffering constructive or otherwise simple comments upon others.

I have noted that you visited Cesky Krumlov (, and as such you may be aware that there appear now-a-days an inordinate number of quasi Russian mafia, taking the waters. With due respect, maybe it is time for you to return for a cleansing... BTW it is a good photo of but one of the many beauties there...

I know that you are in AmeriKa (sic), where it is every man's right to carry... but please put your gun away, this is a venue for photography, which may include an "About", proffering some background info. It is my habit to add such "Abouts", while it does not appear to be yours.

I will for good order, grant you 24 hours to view this reply, and then for good order's sake, delete this submission, so as to not/not worry little minds (which I suppose will only force you to again " examine every pixel of this image...").

In closing, I have reasons to remain some-what 'un-named' (which should not/not be of any of your concern), but I am sure that if the NSF-CIA-FBI wants the identification of U No Who, the Admin of UF will accommodate. I personally do not trust spies of any colour, but as Winston Churchill stated in so many words "we must protect ourselves with a bodyguard of lies".

Thank you... Young man!


Delete My Account Delete My Account   {K:-1391} 2/24/2005
Here are the problems I have with this picture and your "journalistic" photo.

1. You don't use your name, the name of the port, or the name of the ship in the background (I'm only assuming the ship is involved because it's displayed so prominantly)
2. You say the containers were full. Prove this, because . . .
3. Honeywell does not import shiploads of UF6. Rather, they ship them to France for reprocessing. I checked that flag on the ship against every other world flag and I could not find one that matched. The Czech Republic and Puerto Rico were the closest.
4. The inferences you draw, "under undoubted threat of the NSF-CIA-FBI..." "the forces that be, could have easily disappeared with one or more cylinders!" reek of uninformed, sensationalist, tabloid trash, psuedo-journalism.
5. Your paragraph describing UF6 was copied (without citation) from any number of websites that have the exact same description.

I'm not by any means defending our current administration or disagreeing with whatever opinions you may carry on the Dept of Homeland Security, but your photograph and essay seem more like inciteful (not insightful) editorialism than journalism.


kokupsy_un morita kokupsy_un morita   {K:2651} 2/22/2005
oh nice print pictures.
great job.

thank you.


Ursula Luschnig Ursula Luschnig   {K:21723} 2/22/2005
This is a true horror vision...unbelievable that you could come so close and take pictures...and the imagination... a truck or another ship could make disappear one or more of those...under the eyes of security guards.....PARADOX...all!
Thank you for this documentation..


Marcia . Marcia .   {K:16108} 2/22/2005
Excellent work, In Transit.
All the worl must think about the risk that this man represents.
Excellent report!!!

Thanks for sharing.



Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 2/22/2005
As images they are very nice with the clouds and saturated colours. I also like harbours....a link to the endless ocean. (pherhaps because i was a sailor). But the about - hm - Bush idea about attacking is the best defence is very dangerous! In my point of view HE is very dangerous and to scare a whole nation about terrorism is a "smart" manner to act in the matter of peace - and to stay as a president...


Paul Lara Paul Lara   {K:88111} 2/22/2005
The only thing they wanted to achieve from the beginning is not 'security', but FEAR.
"Do anything you have to make me safe again, Mister President!" What a load o' crap.

Thank you for sharing this with us!!


Delete My Account Delete My Account   {K:-1391} 2/22/2005
I stand corrected, I did not see that it was rollei 35.


Delete My Account Delete My Account   {K:-1391} 2/22/2005
I have serious doubts about your "photojournalism" but i'm going to examine every pixel of this image to make sure. Also, Ilford doesn't make color film in a 120 format.


Ethan Lewis   {K:1536} 2/22/2005
A nicely done photograph, and a sobering message.


Antonia BauerleinSehnert   {K:30599} 2/22/2005
60 Minutes has done some expose's on this very issue (or was it 20/20)...I do not understand why this lack of security's beyond comprehension. You should send them a copy of this for their update, as they are continuing to follow up on this, as I saw a follow-up report not long ago. Nothing had changed.


Nathan Gillies   {K:1011} 2/22/2005
Well i'd have to agree with you there, quite strongly i might add. Brilliant photos with an equally interesting report.
well done




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