Visiting Auckland international airport the other day I was flabbergasted with the car park charges, My question is are we Kiwis getting ripped off or is this a normal fee? What are parking charges like around the world, or more to the point are you happy with them?
Well ,I sure stirred up a hornets nest but dammit I was only picking up visitors,was a bit early and the plane was 2 hours late, then since it was from abroad there was the customs rigmarole, the only good thing was I was given a carton of cigs which sort of made up for it though ive yet to find a hidy hole to smoke them in.
John. You might find this handy hint useful if you're parking up to go on holiday: find a garage near the airport, and book your car in for a very minor repair, eg fitting new windscreen wipers or somesuch. Arrange to collect your car the day you get back -it'll be much cheaper. Cheerio, Ed