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Procida's skyline
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Image Title:  Procida's skyline
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 By: Paolo De Maio  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Paolo De Maio {Karma:34932}
Project #42 Moody Landscape Camera Model Nikon D100
Categories Landscape
Deep Blue
Film Format
Portfolio Lens 24/120 mm VR AFS ED G IF Nikkor
Uploaded 10/14/2004 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 494 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 25 Rating Critique Only Image
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About Dedicato a Paola LL e Donato R
and all people who love the sea
This shot is maded by four single hand helded shots.
No tripod used.
Comments, suggestions, criticisms, at will
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De Maio




Peace and tranquility

All that jazz!

Baby is arriving

The unconformist

The wine and its endless resources

R.E.M. #1

Il ghiaccio nelle vene

There are 25 Comments in 1 Pages
M *   {K:2614} 11/23/2004
very beautiful panorama


Paolo De Maio   {K:34932} 11/16/2004
Hi there Thilo! How are you?
Nice idea to hang it on the wall but I need of a big wall because the real dimension of this shot is 3 x 1 mt.


Thilo Bayer Thilo Bayer   {K:50358} 11/13/2004
Hi Paolo,

nice super-widescreen format. well seen and composed.

should hang on someone's wall =)



Lorenzo Parisi   {K:6277} 10/25/2004
Bellissima panoramica, e... mano fermissima!
Ciao, Lorenzo


Gabriella Carta Gabriella Carta   {K:22879} 10/21/2004
ottima panoramica


Orazio Minnella Orazio Minnella   {K:49417} 10/21/2004
Superba scena ed eccellente taglio.Splendida la scena dell'aglomerato urbano in basso sulla dx.Superbi i colori....e la dedica a due carissimi amici.


Paolo De Maio   {K:34932} 10/20/2004
Dear Neil you're welcome!
thank you for you kind comment.
Yes you right about UF file size reccomandations.
The original size of this shot is about 75 Mb
In general terms if I would print it the real dimension could be 3 x 0,65 mt!!!
I made it without tripod and I believe it's a good result.
Keep in touch and take care.


Neil Dolman   {K:26883} 10/20/2004
Hi Paolo, very nice shot and beautifully stitched. Thanks for your comment on "Camergue at sunset". It's nice to receive a comment from someone who also likes the panorama format. They are quite difficult to show here in Usefilm because of the size restrictions, that is why i like the black frame to lift the photo from the background of UF. I have though, as you suggested, printed some using a white frame and they look great hung on the wall. Thanks for your input and nice to meet you.
Best wishes Neil


Paolo De Maio   {K:34932} 10/18/2004
You right Cessy, still we have to accept UF's roles.
Still with an higher resolution you will enjoy a lot of particular by using the horizontal scrolling bar.
Great skyline and great island where it's easy to find your own.....
By the way thank you for your comment.
You are very kind!


cessy karina   {K:14205} 10/18/2004
beautiful panorama, 4 shots without tripod ? excellent. very well done, Paolo. too bad the UF limits 800 pixel max so we can't see it bigger :)


Emgy Massidda Emgy Massidda   {K:60358} 10/16/2004
Ottima la perspettiva, bellissimo il formato panoramico
Love it!
Un abbraccio - Emgy


Ahmed Maher   {K:422} 10/16/2004
wwwwooooo,it,s very nice panorama ,very well done
ahmed maher


donato r. donato r.   {K:16361} 10/15/2004
Ue' Paolone ! Grazieeeeeeee assaje assaje per la dedica....(....e pure per avermi fatto fare coppia - in questa occasione - con Paola :-)))
Strepitosissima panoramica magnificamente concepita e composta ....
Ecco perche' eri cosi' gongolante (come dalla foto che allego)..l'avevi gia' pensata e fatta!


Maria José Barres   {K:11276} 10/15/2004
Fantastic panorama caro Paolo!


Paolo De Maio   {K:34932} 10/15/2004
Grazie per i tuoi commenti "preziosi" Maria Grazia !!
A presto


Maria Grazia Rapisarda   {K:15898} 10/15/2004
Sembra un cofanetto di preziosi dove sta una perla di grande valore!!Sicuramente una delle più belle:Procida!! Proposta in maniera eccezionale!! Bellissima la linea curvata!!
Maria Grazia


Emanuele Calvagno   {K:14353} 10/14/2004
assolutamente bella la panoramica.un luogo fantastico. ottimo la curvatura che rende veramente bella da guardare questa foto


B B B B   {K:30983} 10/14/2004
Grazie Paolo,
per la dedica e perchè mi permetti di godere di questo bellissimo panorama in cui posso perfino riconoscere dal colore una delle casa dei miei parenti.

Un abbraccio.
Paola LL


Dorothy Di Liddo   {K:13787} 10/14/2004
it's beautiful, that's all I can say! Dottie


Antonio Trincone   {K:23167} 10/14/2004
molto, molto bella e ben fusa


Andrea Falqui Andrea Falqui   {K:5787} 10/14/2004
Molto carina. Bella l'immagine ed ottimo il taglio. Ciao, Andrea


Di Ciuccio Maurizio Di Ciuccio Maurizio   {K:57398} 10/14/2004
una fantastica panoramica dedicata a due persone davvero in gamba..bella questa originale e straordinaria visione...complimenmti paolo..sempre al top...a presto carissimo


Di Ciuccio Maurizio Di Ciuccio Maurizio   {K:57398} 10/14/2004
una panoramica spettacolare..bellissima da ammirare..ottima la dedica per due fantastiche persone...ciao


Patty Morena   {K:16598} 10/14/2004
Molto più di un semplice paesaggio!!!
E' superba questa veduta e sicuramente la dedica sarà apprezzata da tutti e due.


Rose Martin   {K:4696} 10/14/2004
Beautiful work. The color is wonderful and it is hard to see where they join. I only see one spot in the middle. Nice




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