The Kuwait Towers, the national symbol of the land, can be seen from most angles within Kuwait City and the areas around it, and are comprised of three towers. The largest tower holds two large, globe shaped chambers, one on top of the other. The top, and smaller, one is an observation deck with a cafeteria that gives the visitor a full panoramic view of Kuwait City and the Arabian Gulf every half hour. The top half of the lower, and larger, sphere houses three rotating restaurants, while the bottom half is a one million-gallon water reservoir. The second tower holds one large globe, which is another water reservoir with a one million-gallon capacity. The third structure is simply a long, pointed electricity tower, which illuminates the other two towers and the surrounding grounds with 96 concealed spotlights. The Kuwait Towers are recognized all over the world as being the dominant sight in Kuwait.
A nice idea, pity should?ve the towers been in focus, it will look great with the motion effect in the foreground, must be hand held or in moving car shot, Saeed