Joćo Magalhćes
{K:2067} 9/4/2004
Eh eh. I wonder if they have the Playboy Channel. The church seems to be part of a large construction, maybe a convent or monastery. That part with the dish is inhabited, maybe by caretakers. I bravely chose not to remove it, much as I didn't that impossibly annoying wire.
Matej Maceas
{K:24381} 9/3/2004
They have satellite TV in this church? :-)
Joćo Magalhćes
{K:2067} 9/2/2004
Indeed the sky came out a bit funny. I never combined skylight with polarizer again with the digital. [De facto o céu saiu um bocado esquisito. Nunca mais juntei o skylight e o polarizador na digital.]
luis pereira
{K:26013} 9/2/2004
Everything came beautifly together...even the cat. Cumprimentos Joao
Manuel Sousa
{K:42} 9/2/2004
Ola' Baal, o jogo de luz e sombra esta' optimo. O azul do ceu e' que se me afigura um tanto ou quanto artificial.
Agnus Dei