charles zhao
{K:988} 10/30/2004
First Last
{K:6897} 10/8/2004
Que composição LINDA, Pedro! Ótimo trabalho...
Carol Cefalu
{K:8388} 10/3/2004
I have had so many issues with ratings also.....I notice after one person ( the first person) rates me a 7 for example...it shows up a 5.5..i have also tested the ratings system and written to the staff about it.. they tell me its all fair ratings.. but if 4 friends have all rated you a 6 or 7 why is the overall score a 5.0? that makes no sense..anyway..i LOVE what your doing and PLEASE don't leave and deprive us all of your wonderful art. Carol
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 10/3/2004
This is just perfect. You have captured everything so clearly. Well done. Thankyou also for the congratulations on my image "Light my Fire".
Erland Pillegaard
{K:34147} 9/20/2004
Very well captures,nice photo
arwa abdullah
{K:34415} 9/20/2004
ummm whats the k??? << feeling lost don’t leave pedro please!! anyway amazing pic it reminds me of a song : : Two weeks away it feels like the whole world should've changed But I'm home now And things still look the same I think I'll leave it till tomorrow to unpack Try to forget for one more night That I'm back in my flat on the road Where the cars never stop going through the night To a life where I can't watch sunset I don't have time I don't have time
dido :) one of my all time favorite songs
Khaled Mursi Hammoud
{K:54005} 9/19/2004
Nice golden colour of the sea. I like the way you composed your picture....Excellent.
Maja Gligoric
{K:13528} 9/7/2004
Fantastic! 7!
Tony Diana
{K:13396} 9/6/2004
Estupenda imagen, mis felicitaciones
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 9/2/2004
Athos Guedes
{K:745} 8/24/2004
esta ficou brilhante!!! em todos os sentidos! :)
Pnar Yazicioglu
{K:7607} 8/14/2004
great job Pedro
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 8/13/2004
Bravo! Perfect this one! The man right at the best point he could be, covered the sun so nicely! Excellent.
Lucas Macedo
{K:12843} 8/5/2004
Fantástica composição com a silhueta perfeitamente posicionada, Pedro! Lindo gradiente de cores. Um abração! ..... Lucas
Linn Currie
{K:24426} 8/4/2004
Hi Pedro I have read your posts on the forum and can understand your frustration. I am sorry but I cannot leave you informed comments on your images - simply because I do not have the experience and technical knowledge. But I can tell you that I admire your work and your commitment to helping and supporting others. It would be Usefilm's loss if you leave.
As for this image - I am taken in by the sheer contrast between the orange/ember, liquid gold and the stark and dark silhouettes. Awesome capture and image ... well done.
James Weber
{K:305} 8/4/2004
Pedro, you are one of the reasons that I stay with usefilm.com . I like the fact the photographers of your quality post here. I love your work and you are among my favorites of friends here. You inspire me to create better works of art in my genre of photography. If you do go, please tell me where you will post your wonderful photos...
James Weber
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 8/3/2004
great composition.. love the lighting and the colors.. excellent.. don't worry about the Karma Pedro, heck you can have all of mine, the number does not mean much to me. I don't care about Karma just the photography and yours is great.
Rui Miranda
{K:2716} 8/3/2004
Excelente Pedro!A foto esta um espectaculo, as cores do céu, do mar, esta tudo excelente, parabens. Rui
Gorilla K
{K:17526} 8/3/2004
Beautiful work,Petro! very nice coposition and lighting. Expression-strong admission!
Reg. Winfried
Angelo Villaschi
{K:49617} 8/3/2004
A foto é linda e inspiradora. Que dourado fantástico, e a silhueta esta ótima.
Que porra é Karma? Pra que serve? Vale um filme, um sanduíche ou um refrigerante? Aonde uso?
Espero ver mais fotos suas.
Saudacoes, Angelo.
Clifton Jones
{K:10688} 8/3/2004
Beautiful...wonderful work...just perfect... Clifton....
Helder Santos
{K:3505} 8/3/2004
Ola Pedro, outra bela foto ficou linda. Como esta? E a familia? Ja la vai algun tempo! De qualquer maneira acho que vou meter algumas fotos novas. Ate logo... Helder
Diana Cornelissen
{K:26437} 8/3/2004
I really enjoyed this view .... great composition with the silhouettes and somehow very emotional to me. In a few weeks I will be walking at the beach of my favorite island... finally.... vacation!!! About your K... and the long comments: sometimes I just write short ones, specially when I like a photo very much and to me it is difficult to write long comments because my English isn't that good and it takes a lot of time to write in english ( I use a dictionairy). But... please, don't bother about the Karma (until now I even didn't noticed my Karma has finally been uploaded)... your photo's.... that is what counts the most and be sure.... I enjoy every one of them! greetings, Diana.
Stephen Bowden
{K:64141} 8/3/2004
Excellent photo Pedro
al shaikh
{K:15790} 8/3/2004
Check your email pedro.
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 8/2/2004
thank you for your time Altaf.
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 8/2/2004
Oi Marcio,
bem meu Karma valia perto de 40.000 ...agora vale 17.000 ...o que conta aqui é o comprimento das comentários pelo que percebi agora...não interessa o conteúdo...portanto...estou num desalento tremento com o site...e vou de certeza fazer umas férias que podem ser permanentes... Um abraço.
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 8/2/2004
Oi Carmen, obrigado pelo seu contributo...neste momento estou muito triste com o usefilm....e tal como voc~e ele é o meu preferido...eu sei que deixar não o vai melhorar...mas para mim é capaz de me fazer bem...há bem mais de um ano que eu sou praticamente utilizador diário...e me senti muito triste com as alterações ...isto do Karma para mim foi a gota de água...acho que devem ficar com os membros dos quais valorizam a participação e a minha participação foi claramente desvalorizada ...logo não me estou mais sentindo em casa....nunca tive aqui qualquer problema...mas isto de pontuar pessoas pelo comprimento dos comentários...valha-nos não sei quem...que não quero utilizar o nome de Deus nestas coisas...é uma profunda cretinice...até porque a maioria dos comentários longos nada têm a ver com as fotos...são muitas vezes como você mesmo diz..poemas...canções...muitas vezes conversa de amigos...enfim...para mim que estou aqui há mais de um ano (quase diariamente...era minha casa bolas) apoiando os participantes, acarinhando, incentivando...ajudando sempre que sabia ...é muito injusto...vou parar...fazer férias e depois logo vejo...neste momento não me apetece nem um pouco voltar...mas as vontades mudam... P.S. é adoro aquele local...o do seu bolo... mas aquela posição corporal mostra claramente o que senti ontem e ainda estou sentindo em relação a minha participação neste site...desalento...claro, desalento! mil beijos.
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 8/2/2004
I agree, Pedro! But don?t give up.. Stay with us! Cheers! Carmem
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 8/2/2004
hello Thilo, I am really sad with the site right now....really sad...but I will do some sites vacations ...and I hope I will return if not I will tell you where I am...
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 8/2/2004
thanks Stan, at this moment I am really sad with this... I need vacations from all sites...at least for a while...but thanks for the invitation...i will consider it when I decid to return to sites...
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 8/2/2004
well...stop shot comments to me it is a way of stopping comments Massimo...about sharing my work and help other people ...I will continue to do that (helping people if I can and know) ... I just don`t know if I want to do that here anymore...what they have sayed is that the type of participation that I like to do, here and in the other sites where I participateit is not welcome, and I was penalised by that...I can not accept that...if they have started now...Ok...stupid...but I accept......my last year, almost everyday participation was completly out of what they want here...they want long talks about photos...that is not me Massimo... I am an emotion man...as you said photos creat emotions and that is what I like...and them you have a fantastic photo in front of your eyes and you strart doing tecqnic analises for the lenght of your comment be suficient...please...i need a rest from this....at least for a while...long live the poems, and the songs, and the friends talks...for now I will rest for a few days...
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 8/2/2004
Obrigado Lúcia. Beijinhos
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 8/2/2004
hello Richard ... I am really sad with the site now...I will need some time to think what I do....vacations for sure...if I change I will tell where, I have other gallerys in other sites...but I considered this one my home in the last year...
Jan Symank
{K:22030} 8/2/2004
Hi Pedro Great composition with the light source behind the silhouette ! Bravo and regards from Jan
Claudio Fett
{K:1737} 8/2/2004
Essa foto é sensacional.
Marcio Janousek
{K:32538} 8/2/2004
Pedro, não desanime..tente novamente. O que quiz dizer com seu Karma que passou a valer menos de uma metade ? quero que saiba que também estou aprendendo muito com seu trabalho.
"O Show deve continuar" !!
Quero ver uma versão desta foto com a cabeça levantada..abraços
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 8/2/2004
Eu adicionei um reply no fórum,com relação asua pergunta.. Aliás,esqueci de dizer que a forma como introduziu a discussão usando uma imagem me agradou bastante. Um abraço, Pedro. Carmem
?????? hehehe
Carmem A. Busko
{K:48785} 8/2/2004
Não sei o que aconteceno usefilm.. Jorge Vasconcelos me postou 5 vezes o mesmo comentário. Eu já comentei aqui.. e meu comentário não está aqui!!! Mas já descobri que existe um forum só sobre velocidade do site..
Acho que deixar o usefilm não contribui para a melhoria do site. Estou usando outros... e não estou gostando tanto quanto o usefilm. As tuas fotos aqui me ensinaram muito sobre fotografia.. e acho que fariam muita falta. Teus comentários incentivam minhas experiências fotográficas.
Como esta foto.. quantas vezes já fotografou este local.. e nos traz sempre alguma novidade em termos de composição que fazem destas fotos uma experiência única!
Um abraço, Pedro! Carmem
Thilo Bayer
{K:50358} 8/2/2004
Stay with us, Pedro! I don't want to miss a single photo of you!
This one shows me that I really need some holidays. The mood that you captured, the colors, the silhouettes, the person - everything fits well.
Take care, Thilo
Edu Guedes
{K:3541} 8/2/2004
Maravilhoso por-do-sol. Linda composição, Pedro. Parabéns
Ahmet Baki Kocaballi
{K:13618} 8/2/2004
Hi Pedro, beautiful capture and silhouette you have great works..
Stan Pustylnik
{K:6768} 8/2/2004
Pedro, your work is always awesome...... I also have some issues with usefilm and next year will not be "power user" for sure. Take a look at webaperture.com we need your very unique and intaresting style there.
Orazio Minnella
{K:49417} 8/2/2004
A worthy composition of your better intense activities. Attractive the shilouette and the golden color of the sun that itself reflecte on the sea.
al shaikh
{K:15790} 8/2/2004
I did reply, it's in the suggestion forum.
Maurilio Ultramari
{K:8200} 8/2/2004
Ser ou não ser... Linda foto Pedro!
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 8/2/2004
Stopping short comments is probably a way to convince people to write long and ?useful? critiques. It?s easier to find something useful in a long note rather than in a two words comment, but I agree with you that many times the comments have nothing to be with the photos (me includes sometimes ;) ), and that the site would be survived even without the K. Please, don?t worry, go on posting your photos, share your skills with other photographers, I?m sure you?ll help many of them with your work and with your comments. BTW I didn?t notice your K, but I was attracted by your photo instead. Hugs Max
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 8/2/2004
hello Massimo, thanks for your opinion, I think that probably you are right...the lenght of the comment is the important here...how absurd is that???...at least to me...as you say the important is the photos, and the photos I will continue to make them, you could be sure of that...but I can not be in a place so stupid that judge your participation by the lenght of your comment on the photos when most of the times the bigger comments nothing have to be with the photo ... and I do believe the number is not the more important....but if it is not ..why show it????
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 8/2/2004
I noticed this fact Pedro, but also that in a some cases the K grew up. I?m not sure, but it seems as all the short comments we made in the past count zero and the new K value is based only on the long ones, this is only my personal opinion of course!
Sorry if I ask you a question: which is more important, look at K or make photos? K is only a number, a photo is an emotion...
Bye Max
Michele Berti
{K:14921} 8/2/2004
Beautiful scene!
Miluxa Patricio
{K:6060} 8/2/2004
Olá, Pedro! Que foto linda. Não tenho cá vindo quase nada.~Não tenho podido porque estou a iniciar o meu trabalho e tenho tido tanto que nem sei organizá-lo como deve ser. Tenho saudades do verão passado em que podia passar imemsas horas aqui a ver fotos lindas. Agora tive uma agradável surpresa quando vi a tua. Muitos parabéns. Beijinhos ao Lucas.
Richard Thornton
{K:26442} 8/2/2004
Pedro, don't go! If you do, let me know where you end up. I don't think Photournament moves fast enough for me.
The sun behind the subject is a brilliant device.