Maya Bylina
{K:5925} 6/27/2004
Lovely macro! A г nas eshe ne sozrela :)) Vozmoz'no skoro ja imalost' propadu na mesjac, hotim posetit' Krasnojarsk i Khakasiju, esli povezet to posetim festival' Sajanskoje kol'co, http://www.sayanring.ru/index.php?&ru 2/07 my otbyvaem Celuju Maya
donato r.
{K:16361} 6/21/2004
Squisitissime!!!!!!! :-))))) ciao donato
xy x
{K:41915} 6/21/2004
delicious raspberry and great clearness, excellent focus and details, splendid still life and composed, congrats, best regards
Kev Rynne
{K:1110} 6/21/2004
Ummm! Fresh cream on raspberries! Doesn't go so well on my monitor tho'. Excellent Elena cheers kev :)
Andrei Kislov
{K:4041} 6/20/2004
Lena, privet! Po reitingu i po appetitnosti ya by postavil etu foto na 2-e mesto. Takaya krasivaya tarelka:)prymo special for this raspberry i s obrezannymi krayami:( Tem ne menee otlichnaya kompozitsiya i list'ya... (iz-za temnoi zeleni - verx kazjetsya tyazjelee) no oni zdes' ochen' v temu. dobavit' by nemnogo niza. I byl by super ideal'nyi snimok:) Nu ne mogu ya bez pridirok:))) kritikovat' raboty drugix legche chem svoi sobstvennye:) schast'ya _Andrei_
{K:16125} 6/20/2004
Very beautiful...lovely
Riny Koopman
{K:19998} 6/20/2004
Elena,I say in one words to you...EXCELLENT great work my dear, warm regards from the netherlands riny
Antonella Nistri
{K:21867} 6/20/2004
Great still-life,Lena,very well composed and beutifully lit. Thank you so much for your kind comment on my photo " Green ". Many congrats, Antonella 7
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 6/20/2004
Elena . this is the first and I come eat In Dutch is the name : Framboos Teunis
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 6/20/2004
Elena you are EVIL! They look so tasteful that I could give almost anything now to be able to pick a few and eat! And I can't get them out from screen! ;-)
Oh they look so tasteful, and I love raspberries! I love how you composed it, and the details are fantastic! Very delicious! I haven's seen the other two yet, but on thumbnail this cought my attention first.