ken krishnan
{K:19102} 1/30/2005
Regina Rianelli
{K:24147} 7/10/2004
what pleasant view : 7 + ...seems a great place to play the guitar!
thank You for having visited my work, Luis!!!
Cheers, Regina
Alex Comaschi
{K:1457} 6/18/2004
Nicely composition and saturation of colors.Good work!
Gustavo Eulalio
{K:3777} 5/31/2004
How colorful. Beautiful scene, Luis.
waldemar ebner filho
{K:5242} 5/30/2004
Luis, Cantinho bonito esse,os tons das cores são muito bonitos.Abraços PS, quanto a foto "The core", a partir da foto original,converti para "negativo" o que fez a sombra ficar transparente e depois colori.
Diamantino Mendes
{K:12959} 5/29/2004
Boas abordagem e excelentes cores. Obrigado Luis por teres visitado tantas fotos minhas e comentado.
Tiro Leander
{K:19060} 5/28/2004
yep, this one's got a good summer feeling..
Paolo Barthelemy
{K:25552} 5/28/2004
Excellent colorful shot! It throws you inside the summer feeling indeed. Excellent composition too! Cheers, Paolo
Deb Mayes
{K:19605} 5/27/2004
All set and ready to go! I don't mind the truncated guitar; somehow the subject to me is the overall space, ready to be enjoyed. I love the balance of the reds - quite dynamic. Well done.
Laercio Gomes
{K:3645} 5/27/2004
O Encontro das artes. Parabéns.
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 5/26/2004
Bonito rincón para tocar la guitarra...y tambien para olvidar el ruido del exterior. Bonitos colores. Saludos.
Antonio Trincone
{K:23167} 5/26/2004
lovely garden space, about compoisition I do not like the truncated guitar; some detail in the red color are lost due to known fuji sensor problem with that color