These are my first pictures for the year 2004. I continue my quest at painting with my camera using the technique of the blur, it is a series of 25 odd photographs, each a little different from the other, may feel repetitive, but for me each one has its own place. Please do comment if you like it or not. This is my personal style and all criticism is well appreciated. Thanks.
Subhash, PS refers to Adobe Photoshop. There is also Photoshop Elements, which is a less expensive version of the full Photoshop program. Perhaps you are already using photoshop, and my use of "PS" was confusing. If you are not using Photoshop or Photoshop Elements, you can check them out at Of course, there are many other good image editors on the market. Hope I didn't confuse you. Great work. Lou
Subhash, beautiful 'paint brush'. My only comment is that there seem to be a few dust spots that could be easily removed in PS and would make it even better. I love the softness and the color. Nicely done. Lou