John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 2/13/2004
Hallo Elena! Great portrait! Very good quality and here I like the composition of greyscale with the white background. I don't know if this background is natural (just overexposed) or a ps work,......but it works!
Kristina Kohut
{K:49990} 2/8/2004
So nice, sympathic and friendly face! Very good photo quality, and I like the way he has taken the glasses off and holds them in the hand.
Alexey Sapa
{K:27174} 2/8/2004
Lena! Privet! Пwосто огwомное коли?ество неуловимых для глаза ?еwто?ек, знакомых по фотогwафиям сына, как здоwово! Выwажение лица, взгляд, так много всего общего... Great! My best wishes! Obnimaju, Alexey.
Ana Vianna
{K:15270} 2/8/2004
Excellent portrait, Lena! Your husband has a very good and fun expression! Yes, I loved the light! My regards! kisses
Tatiana Wilson
{K:1631} 2/8/2004
О?ень кwасивый поwтwет. Вwоде бы в нем нет цвета, и вто же вwемя он им наполнен: невидимым таким и еще какой-то лу?езаwностьy. О?ень добwый поwтwет. P.S. Посмотwела ваши wаботы (на сколько смогла) Вы удивительный фотогwаф! Такие как Вы всегда настwаиваyт на вдохновение и желание больше wаботать над собой. Спасибо Вам за то, ?то посмотwели на мои wаботы. Желаy Вам твоw?еских успехов и побольше хоwошего настwоения, Лено?ка. Уда?и Таня
David Fisk
{K:7444} 2/8/2004
Very nice portrait of your husband. Fine detail, and yet soft. B/W really makes for a great feeling. Bravo my friend!
Your friend David
Alex Teller
{K:8286} 2/8/2004
Excellent portrait. You caught the features and the mood in a masterful way and also, being B&W it has even more artistic value. I think it is a great masterpiece! Greetings, Alex
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 2/8/2004
superb portrait dear Lena!! ciao ciao 7*5 roby
Emanuele Calvagno
{K:14353} 2/8/2004
very good portrait. nice lighting and well done in B/W
Teunis Haveman
{K:53426} 2/8/2004
Elena, great portrait Teunis
xy x
{K:41915} 2/8/2004
very kind-hearted husband, beautiful deep eyes with great expressions, excellent portrait and lighting, perfect done, congrats, best regards
Javed Rassi
{K:8223} 2/8/2004
Very good portrait Elana, there is good contrast, could be sharper. Overall good work.