Using digital photography to assist in sports training. Allows views of body position and mechanics that are not as easy with video. I particularly liked this one because of the composition showing just enough of the subject's face to understand the intensity of this youth athlete.
I do appreciate the fact that the ball is not in clear focus. Believe me, I took a lot of shots, but the timing and everthing else happens extremely fast, making exact focusing a challenge. I must note that I made a mistake first noting that this shot was taken with a 1D (it was actually taken with a 10D). My attempt at decreasing the aperture was an effort to get both the child and ball in focus - guess I'll keep trying...
Hi Dan, thanks for your comment on my image Storm Front. Glad you enjoyed it. Obvoiusly from your portfolio you are into sports in a big way. I took quite a few Rodeo photos a couple of years ago, here in New Zealand, and found the hardest thing was to isolate the action from the background. It's not easy. Quite often the images that had the most impact were the detail shots. A pair of spurs, a saddle, close-up of hands etc. I like your picture of the girls hands. Regards John
PS The New Zealand Black Soxs are giving them hell in the Softball World Champs here in NZ.