Deleted Member
{K:7533} 3/17/2004
25 eyes watching to me
Andrew Caldwell
{K:18307} 2/2/2004
Strong found abstraction, making great use of the "negative shadow" one gets from piling snow.
Alex Teller
{K:8286} 2/1/2004
Absolutely stupendous. I am stumped and glad I am not the only one. What a fabuluos idea? Great job, Harlan, SUPERB! Thank you for this unique perspective. Regards, Alex
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 2/1/2004
...so this. Personaly I preffer the first one but surely this is not bad....not at all! The snow adds a lot here!
{K:16125} 1/31/2004
Creative as usual... I wish I could see the world thru your eyes for just a day... I think I would see sooo much more!!!
Cherie Spike
{K:-21959} 1/31/2004
You have such a great eye Harlan :) Wonderful abstract, I just love it !! You make me open my eyes even more with every image. So inspiring! Cherie
{K:32791} 1/31/2004
strange, Emgy is right the do like little dwarves or elves!!
m.c. lopez
{K:14766} 1/31/2004
25 dwarves ! beautiful !
Sachiko Kanasashi
{K:3025} 1/31/2004
so great snow,excellent work!
davide lupo-pasini
{K:8079} 1/30/2004
... or 25 smiling dwarves,anyone with a cone hat:)))) maybe due to the late hour is it now here(03:54 am) or maybe due to the empty bottle of chardonnay wine aside of me:) but this is a real good capture.... great! a favourite! ciao! davide from italy
Emgy Massidda
{K:60358} 1/30/2004
I would have never guessed if you had not written what this is. First thing I got in mind is "Snowhite and the seven dwarves".In this case, 25 dwarves without Snowhite. Anyway, this is another great find of yours. I think that there isn't much that escapes your "artistic" eye. Everything that enters your camera turns into a wonderful abstract. Absolutely superb!
John Chiu
{K:6250} 1/30/2004
Interesting pattern. Like many eyes watching.
Terry McCully
{K:9221} 1/30/2004
COOL abstract... Like upside down snowcones
Tommaso Di Falco
{K:23819} 1/30/2004
An original abstract so well captured, Harlan. regards, Tommaso
Stefan Engström
{K:24473} 1/30/2004
Like so many happy little gnomes. Well seen as usual.
Dan Lightner
{K:12684} 1/30/2004
Nice abstract Harlan.Cool image
Ahmet Baki Kocaballi
{K:13618} 1/30/2004
Very Nice capture! congrats!
xy x
{K:41915} 1/30/2004
great idea and abstracts, excellent geometric lines with lights, perfect composed, congrats, best regards
Rachel Leah
{K:26110} 1/30/2004
These are traffic control lights? Looks great! Love the contrast of the black backround a white snow! Looks great... and by the way... it's 25 circles with snow :) hehe... I had to count... the name made me! :) Great job! ~Rachel~