Jose Sanchez
{K:424} 8/26/2004
No Paul I think composition is perfect. Just perfect. If you want to know my opinion, maybe I would crop about 7-10 percent from the lower side. But of corse it's up to you. (excuse my english :)
Paul Sanders
{K:744} 8/26/2004
Jose, I totally agree with you about the contrast. Unfortunately, as is common the original print is much sharper and contrasty and I had no way of adjusting the contrast on the scan. Thanks for commenting. There is something about the composition I don't quite like for some reason. I think maybe a panoramic view would be better?
Jose Sanchez
{K:424} 8/26/2004
maybe needs to increase contrast a little bit?
{K:6651} 7/19/2004
zosia zija
{K:11106} 2/1/2004
fantastic place.
Jim Goldstein
{K:21230} 1/29/2004
Wow! What scenery. Love the contrasty view with the looming clouds. It looks like there is some noise or dirt on the scanned image in the upper left portion of the sky. Beautiful!
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 1/26/2004
David Dias
{K:1347} 1/25/2004
Hi Paul, My first impression was like an Ansel Adams and reading Chee's comment I see I am not along. Nice going. Dave
{K:869} 1/25/2004
gud in an academical point of departure
Che C
{K:763} 1/25/2004
Whoa! This is a good one. Feels almost Ansel Adam-like but has a bit of you in it.