Umberto Fortini
{K:3309} 2/16/2010
Wonderful architecture.... Excellent composition. All my best, U
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 5/10/2003
Rob Patrick
{K:2177} 4/27/2003
Excellent abstract Phillip!
Ameet Mallapur
{K:1575} 4/15/2003
WOW phillip...i love this.....its almost like a flower!!!
Filipe Palha
{K:5432} 3/11/2003
Absolutly fantastic!!!! one little bit note: maybe if you ajusted levels, could get a clearer result! anyway, excepcional pic! (:
Jeff Cable
{K:3599} 3/16/2002
Random mannah again... thank you Usefilm. :) What a great picture this is Phillip. Nicely seen. Stunning. Pattern, Discord, Highlight, Shadow... nuff said. I wish it were mine.
David Goldfarb
{K:7611} 5/6/2001
Beautiful representation of an interesting space. I don't see how you could crop out the landing in the upper left corner without slicing off the leaf-shaped form on the right. I think I would have tried to position myself so the landing would be parallel to the top of the frame, but that might produce some other problem, like a distracting background or maybe the leaf-shaped form would have been lost. Alternately, you could have gone in the other direction and made it run 45 degrees to the top of the frame, if it didn't introduce some other problem.
Artie Colantuono
{K:12275} 3/12/2001
Wondderfully done. This image would scream if you cropped to the corner intersection of the upper cornice and cut the botom 3&1/4 bands off. If you'd like an example I would be more than happy to show you. Love it though.
al shaikh
{K:15790} 3/11/2001
An absolutely wonderful abstact.
John Wall
{K:45} 2/6/2001
Great visual impact!