Urungu Erdal Özer
{K:852} 12/17/2003
a harmonize perspective in revers angle.
Ahmed Fawzy
{K:3288} 8/11/2003
very good image. very nice photo.
Karen Nichols
{K:613} 8/10/2003
Although they are both great images, I prefer this to the other resting photo --- this really focuses on the subject and the extraordinary lines/composition of the photo. Excellent work!
Roland Le Gall
{K:7018} 8/10/2003
Superbe graphisme...Excellente composition....BW est un très bon choix...Bel équilibre qui donne cette atmosphere de quiétude...
jean E marre
{K:1577} 8/10/2003
zoals gezegd op bd: deze reeks is super. het geeft bij het bekijken het "genieten aan zee"-gevoel. goeie kleurtoonkeuze ook...
xxxxxx xxxxx
{K:328} 8/10/2003
10 points. Great
{K:16195} 8/10/2003
ANother great composition once again. Very well done. Regards, Hayri.
Tiro Leander
{K:19060} 8/10/2003
You've put out two versions of this picture.... I like this the best - because of the lines in it that's like go infinite to the right. Good effect. Good toning too.