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Carrer Ferran - Ferran street
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Image Title:  Carrer Ferran - Ferran street
Favorites: 0 
 By: Alfons Rial  
  Copyright ©2014

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Photographer Alfons Rial  Alfons Rial {Karma:7600}
Project #37 Night Photography Camera Model Canon EOS 700D
Categories Cityscape
Film Format Digital JPEG
Portfolio Lens EF-S18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM
Uploaded 12/31/2014 Film / Memory Type none
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 654 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 12 Rating
/ 2 Ratings
Location City -  Barcelona
Country - Spain   Spain
About La calle Ferran une la plaza de Sant Jaume con las Ramblas. A través de los arcos se accede a la Plaza Reial.

Ferran Street connects the plaza de Sant Jaume with the Ramblas. Through the arches is accessed to Plaza Reial.
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There are 12 Comments in 1 Pages
Alfons Rial Alfons Rial   {K:7600} 1/1/2015
Muchas gracias, Clay!


Clay Boutin   {K:28722} 1/1/2015
A beautiful street scene. Love the lighting and overall composition. Well done.


Alfons Rial Alfons Rial   {K:7600} 1/1/2015
Hola Serge. Te envio la foto como a ti te gusta.


Alfons Rial Alfons Rial   {K:7600} 1/1/2015
Muchas gracias Paul. Agradezco tus comentarios!


Alfons Rial Alfons Rial   {K:7600} 1/1/2015
Muchas gracias, Paul. Me alegro que te guste!


Alfons Rial Alfons Rial   {K:7600} 1/1/2015
Hola Serge.
Si, debería decir:

Esta foto sólo refleja "veo yo a través de mi lente", no como "es" en realidad

Y asi trabajo casi todas mis fotos, a través de la lente que las ha tomado. Por eso no me importa demasiado cuando la lente introduce reflejos que no existen en la realidad, porque en ese momento ya forman parte de una imagen nueva que modelo a mi gusto. Resalto luces y sombras, oscurezco rostros, quito color o lo saturo. Una leve inclinación del plano me parece irrelevante, si para conseguirla tengo que eliminar otras partes de la imagen que sí son importantes para mi. Por eso, en esta foto, no me importa que la imagen tenga una pequeña distorsión de lente. Esta distorsión no forma parte del trabajo creativo, no es un valor añadido, no lo corrijo, porque al quitarlo me eliminaría otras partes de la imagen que sí quiero conservar y para mí son más importantes.

No obstante, te envio otra versión de la foto donde he corregido la distorsión de lente, ya que a ti te gusta más de esta forma. La fotografía es para mí un mundo de subjetividades, es como un mundo paralelo al real y particular de cada individuo, por eso, a unas personas les gusta una foto y a otras no.

Como siempre, aprecio tus comentarios, Serge.
Hi Serge.
Yes, I should say:

This photo only reflects "I see through my lens," not "is" actually

And so almost all my photos work through the lens that has taken. So I do not mind too much when the lens introduces reflections that do not exist in reality, because at that time are now part of a new image model for my taste. Highlighting lights and shadows, darken faces remove color or will saturate. A slight inclination of the plane it seems to me irrelevant when attaining have to remove other parts of the image that they are important to me. Is why in this photo, I do not care that the image has a small lens distortion. This distortion is not part of the creative work, not an added value, I do not correct because the remove me eliminate other parts of the image you I want to preserve themselves and for me are more important.

However, you send another version of the photo where I have corrected the lens distortion, since you like most as well. Photography is for me a world of subjectivities, we as a world parallel to the real and particular of each person, therefore, some people like a photo and others do not.

As always, I appreciate your comments, Serge.

Yours Truly



The Pilgrim The Pilgrim   {K:65007} 1/1/2015
Another nicely captured night scene Alfons. Like the details
and depth of field. Good lighting and exposure. The brick streets provide nice textures and lines. Thoughtful composition and good story telling ability along with good center of interest. Well done!




Paul Freeman Paul Freeman   {K:35606} 1/1/2015
This is very beautiful image Alfons, I think the best of this series


Serge Moscow Serge Moscow   {K:-2917} 1/1/2015
Alfons Rial wrote:
"Distortion lens that produces my wide-angle do not consider to be an element that prejudice especially this image. This photo only reflects how "I see this place, not as"is"actually."
Dear Alfons, I absolutely agree with your's point about "I see this place". But did you mentioned, that is this case between you and this place there is LENS? With their own distortions.

So in current variant your's opinion would be better rephrase as "We, me and my lens see this place as follows". But I do not understand why you are considering peace of metal, plastic and glas as your's co-author. In this particular case, I mean. This not an useful input, this is just distortion, interference between your's eyes and brain - and this place.

When I'd like to unite with my good lens - I do it specially, intentionally. I'm trying to use strong (as it seems to me) points of my instrument to enchance the picture. To produce "added value", you see?
But here this is just distortion, imho. And when I'm eliminating it, I just make definetely what you wrote me, "I see this place". WITHOUT lens. There is no "added value" here. At least, IMHO:)



Alfons Rial Alfons Rial   {K:7600} 12/31/2014
Hola Serge. ¿Me estás diciendo que te gusta esta foto, pero que no he corregido la distorsión de lente?
Muchas gracias Serge. A mí también me gusta (aunque tengo otras mejores). La distorsión de lente que produce mi gran angular no considero que sea un elemento que perjudique especialmente esta imagen. Esta foto sólo refleja cómo "veo yo" este lugar, no como "es" en realidad.
Agradezco tus comentarios y siempre los valoro en su justa medida.
Feliz Año Nuevo :)

Hello Serge. Are you telling me that you like this photo, but that I have not corrected the lens distortion? Serge thank you very much. Also I like (although I have other better). Distortion lens that produces my wide-angle do not consider to be an element that prejudice especially this image. This photo only reflects how "I see this place, not as"is"actually."I appreciate your comments and always appreciate them properly.Happy new year :)


Serge Moscow Serge Moscow   {K:-2917} 12/31/2014
I mean "lost", not "lots", of course...


Serge Moscow Serge Moscow   {K:-2917} 12/31/2014
Alfons, why you do not correct geomethical distortions? specially? or just do not have software?
As for me, due to this small issue your's very good photos lots some effect. In particular, this one definetely will be better after this simple correction.
Warm regards and happy NY!




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