Jill Bartlett
{K:8130} 9/11/2014
Thank you Darryl,was not sure wether these were wild or not.When we first moved to mountain home there was only white bind weed, now we have 3 different colours,have also seen bright blue ones growing. best regards, Jill
Jill Bartlett
{K:8130} 9/11/2014
Again you give me a smile first thing in the morning, Thank you Jose. my best wishes to you.
Darryl Barclay
{K:6818} 9/11/2014
I know this flower as a Morning Glory. They come in several beautiful colors. They are a joy to see but they are very invasive and will take over any and all plants and structures they spread to. They do reseed themselves so they come back every year. It is nice to see that they grow world wide. Darryl
a. Scarabeo
{K:16333} 9/11/2014
They follow the Sun, we follow you every day when provided with rare and colorful photographs. Take care Jill.
Jill Bartlett
{K:8130} 9/11/2014
Thanks Art, your right, Bind weed has a white flower.So not a 100% sure this is wild cousin. But these were def not planted by me. Best Jill
Jill Bartlett
{K:8130} 9/11/2014
Thank you so much for your kind words Salvador, which I humble except. So pleased you like. Best wishes
Art McCaffrey
{K:23645} 9/11/2014
wonderful colours both flower and leaves,. very true to the eye jill,. and quite remarkable definition for a not so close up shot,. these are such a beautiful wild flower, as far as i know , a bind weed that usually blooms in white,. much much art,.
Salvador Marķa Lozada
{K:69375} 9/11/2014
Amazing natural synchornia, of these charming flowers, Jill. Splendid floral image. Congratulations and best wishes, my friend, Congratulations, flowers Jill. Sp
Jill Bartlett
{K:8130} 9/10/2014
Thank you Ayan,Thede are growing wild in my garden,such nice colour did not want to pull them up. best regards
Ayan Mukherjee
{K:7990} 9/10/2014
As usual another very good capture Jill, nice colour of the flowers, like it Best regards
Ayan Mukherjee
{K:7990} 9/10/2014
As usual another very good capture Jill, nice colour of the flowers, like it Best regards