We live in an area where we don\\\'t have to worry about Hurricanes or Tornadoes or floods. But Forrest Fires are a constant in the summer. More and more of my high school seniors are involved in the fire community. Several years ago one them was lost in that Colorado fire when the team of \\\'hot shots\\\' were trapped and killed. Losing high school seniors has been a constant also. I lost one a year for almost 12 years (until the last two years) to stupid things like car wrecks.
This young woman is one of the brave ones--may she live forever--the aspen in my wild area was just turning to that flame red and yellow.
Great portrait, the lighting suits the image perfectly to my eyes, and it is nice to have a little background on who we're looking at, thanks. Q - did you upload this as a Large* image by any chance (ie over 640x480 pixels @ 200k max), looks like its been drastically resized by the server. If you cut it down yourself the results are much* better (as in your earlier posts), great images please keepem comin'