Marana Pascovici
{K:2396} 6/7/2009
Gracias, Gustavo, I'm glad you like this flower. Regards, Marana.
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 6/7/2009
Muy hermosa, bellos los tonos blancos y grises. Felicitaciones!
Marana Pascovici
{K:2396} 6/6/2009
Thank you very much, Armen. Regards, Marana.
M jalili
{K:69009} 6/6/2009
Regards ..............
Armen Haroutunyan
{K:4787} 6/6/2009
excellent capture
Marana Pascovici
{K:2396} 6/6/2009
Riny, thank you for your comment, the feedback is great ! My best, Marana.
Marana Pascovici
{K:2396} 6/6/2009
Saad, thank you very much. Regards, Marana.
Marana Pascovici
{K:2396} 6/6/2009
Thank you, Yazeed, you're very kind. My best, Marana.
Marana Pascovici
{K:2396} 6/6/2009
Thank you so much, Nicole. Regards, Marana.
Marana Pascovici
{K:2396} 6/6/2009
Thank you, Sinem, you're very kind. Regards, Marana.
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 6/6/2009
Excellent macro, Marana Colors are well captured with good light, and the dark BG help The DOF and sharpness are very good. Very good note as wel,cheers,riny
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 6/6/2009
very beautiful conversion,and fine tones, Saad.
M jalili
{K:69009} 6/6/2009
Superb .................
Nicole Besch
{K:72664} 6/6/2009
Great details and tones!A very nice floral shot!! Cheers,Nicole
Sinem .
{K:9180} 6/6/2009
Hi Marana, beatiful macro, well taken.. best wishes,sinem..