A b h i r u k
{K:1033} 10/29/2009
Thanks Malules. :)
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 10/28/2009
Fabulous!! love it! regards, Malules
A b h i r u k
{K:1033} 7/10/2009
Thanks for your comment. It's a nice club. :)
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 7/9/2009
Excellent use of lighting Abhiruk, lovely tones. Well done. Best wishes to you.......Ray
I see you are new to our little 'club' so a big WELCOME to you.
A b h i r u k
{K:1033} 6/24/2009
Eirakam Crop?
 Crop |
Syamantak Das
{K:3997} 6/24/2009
bhalo chhobi...light source-ta katao :)
Carmen Fuchs
{K:6967} 6/21/2009
Fantastic. =)
A b h i r u k
{K:1033} 6/16/2009
thanx Krishnendu
K r i s h n e n d u - The NoOne
{K:12059} 6/4/2009
very moody indeed light-ta asadharon. welcome to UF :)
A b h i r u k
{K:1033} 6/4/2009
Thanks Subhranil, Arup, vehbi for ur valuable comments :)
vehbi dileksiz
{K:37355} 6/4/2009
great portrait work...congrats Abhiruk...regards...vehbi...
Arup Bhattacharya
{K:3422} 6/3/2009
Nice composition and powerful light capture. Excellent job.
Subhranil Das
{K:6869} 6/3/2009
excellent lights...a strong image.
A b h i r u k
{K:1033} 6/3/2009
Thanks all :)
Ujjal Dey
{K:899} 6/3/2009
well played with light and shadow. nice low-key portrait... love the tones!!
François Frémont
{K:5781} 6/3/2009
a very nice composition !
Pallab Banerjee
{K:3177} 6/3/2009
Excellent capture .... Awesome lights .... I wish the look of the character could be more prominent and clear ... or towards the dot(Head of the bolt)...Thanks for sharing...