Ali dewchi
{K:15992} 1/21/2009
thank you so much K o c,my best wishes, Ali
Armando Giambolini
{K:17779} 1/10/2009
Hello friend Ali ,
Excellent , clean shot this one .
Like the tree making a curve , better, a bow toward the edge of the wall.
The colors are so soft and yet great.
Good POV and DOF as well.
k o c (saatci)
{K:8257} 1/10/2009
An interesting tree and good capture!
Best wishes, Koc!!!
Ali dewchi
{K:15992} 1/9/2009
thank you so much Anyla,my best wishes, Ali
Ali dewchi
{K:15992} 1/9/2009
الاخ العزيز علي الكاتب المحترم اولا وقبل كل شي اشكرك جدا على المفاجاءة الجميلة التي قمت بها وانا شاكرا لفضلك هذا العمل وحقيقة اتصلت بالدكتور سعد ايضا ليبغلك سلامي وشكري وتحياتي دمتم لنا اخا كريما علي
Anyla Syla
{K:1058} 1/9/2009
beautiful shot..
Aungsita Chatterjee
{K:19843} 1/9/2009
nice composition............great capture. regards bubai.
Ali Al Katib
{K:315} 1/8/2009
This is wonderful, I hope this is not the only shot you have for this lovely tree and arches. There is a potential for another great one!
Ali dewchi
{K:15992} 1/8/2009
thank you so much Marian,my best wishes, Ali
Marian Man
{K:80636} 1/8/2009
great shot dear Ali!!!! lovely composition!!! ans what a strange tree!!! well done all the best MArian
Ali dewchi
{K:15992} 1/8/2009
thank you so much Rachel,my best wishes, Ali
Ali dewchi
{K:15992} 1/8/2009
عزيز سعد اشكرك جدا على الزيارة والتعليق الرائع ، انك تستطيع ان تعمل ما هو اجمل منها صراحة ، تحياتي علي
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 1/8/2009
this is a great shot Ali,I wish I could do it myself,my regards, Saad.
Ali dewchi
{K:15992} 1/8/2009
عزيزي يزيد اشكرك جدا على الزيارة والتعليق الرائع . تحياتي علي
Rachel Leah
{K:26110} 1/8/2009
That is an awesome tree! Good eye capturing that :)
M jalili
{K:69009} 1/8/2009
Beautiful shot my dear ..............