Ali dewchi
{K:15992} 11/8/2008
عزيزتي بريهان كل الشكر والتقدير لكلماتك الجميلة وحقيقة هذا التلفون قد الكثير لي تحياتي علي
parehan .K
{K:27453} 11/4/2008
لقطة جميلة ومميزة من هافك .. الذي يجب ان يدخل التاريخ :):) حقيقة جهد مميز.. اهنئك بريهان
Ali dewchi
{K:15992} 11/4/2008
Dear Aziz Thank you very much to visit and sustained attention. Regards Ali
aZiZ aBc
{K:28345} 11/4/2008
Very good subject and idea, .. I suggest to turn the camera to left a small amount. Thanks for all your comments as well. Akhook Aziz
Ali dewchi
{K:15992} 11/3/2008
Dear Wolf Yes, but over time moving to new areas of the city, and there are many of these houses in the old city. Regards Ali
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 11/3/2008
Must have been a house for rich people in the past.
Ali dewchi
{K:15992} 11/3/2008
Dear Jen Thank you very much to visit and sustained attention. Regards Ali
Ali dewchi
{K:15992} 11/3/2008
Dear Luca Thank you very much to visit and sustained attention. Regards Ali
Luca Peccerillo
{K:17660} 11/3/2008
Very nice compo and colors as usual from you my friend.
Jen van Wijn
{K:24075} 11/3/2008
This is great seeing, wonderful capture I like it so much! Lots of details around here and lovely colours! Regards Jen
Ali dewchi
{K:15992} 11/3/2008
عزيزي سعد اشكرك جدا على المرور والتعليق ، وقد قمت الان بتحويل نشاطاتي الى منطقة خزرج ادعو لي بالتوفيق تحياتي علي
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 11/3/2008
fine work Ali,all the best, Saad.
Ali dewchi
{K:15992} 11/3/2008
شكرا عزيزي يزيد وتهانينا على الجائزة فانت تستحقها بجدارة تحياتي علي
M jalili
{K:69009} 11/3/2008
Nice composition dear Ali .............