{K:6731} 11/19/2008
I especially like this one. Perfection. I love the lighting too.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 9/28/2008
great looking model, very nice work Bryan.
Maryam Tabatabaei
{K:818} 9/28/2008
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 9/27/2008
Hi Bryan,
Good, fairly natural pose, just a tad underexposed in the mid tones for my taste. Still, without doubt a very good job on the lighting, and a great model!
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 9/27/2008
She's really cute, and I like the pose.
Bryan Steffy
{K:4910} 9/27/2008
thank you mark for your nice words...
Mark - MarkMedia -
{K:1062} 9/27/2008
Excellent! Nice to see good B&W work.... my only constructive comment would be the position of her elbow.....Perhaps if her arm were out a bit more you wouldn't see the round bone? .....no big deal - just a thought.