This is a good independent label shop in the neighborhood. It's not the right thing for buying the usual industrial series productions, where the make-up of the next one-day-superstar counts more than the fact that that superstar can't do anything else than looking good on the scene. But it is good for music. Alone the covers of those LPs are more worth than a bunch of CDs of industrial norms.
I tried some shots for getting a bit of that on. This image seems the best to me.
This phenomenon can be partially also attributed to the connection of the "artists" (singer, musician, photographer, etc) with the companies of production. They will always try to maximaze profit, even at the cost of lowering the quality of work down to what sells best in some given time.
In other words, when you go to the studio as a beginner, the producer doesn't care what you do, and how you sound. He cares for maximizing the expected profit. So, he'll surely try to change you and normalize what you do for being conform to the current trends, or he will simply not take over the costs of production. If you are a beginner you most likely don't have the money for covering thise costs. So your only chance is to try it the underground way.
Sex Pistols said that quite nicely already in the early eighties:
There's an ulimited supply - iiiiiahh! And there is no reason, reason why - iiiah! I tell you it was all a frame They only did it cos the fame ! Who ?
Curiosamente, el buen arte, el creativo e innovador, no suele ser comercial, no en primera instancia, (finalmente outsiders como Roger Water amasaron enormes fortunas y venden millones de discos) por eso mucho del arte habrá que buscarlo en el "underground", pero bueno, eso tal vez, es parte de la cosa...;-)
Unfortunately the "few good" ones don't get promoted so much, Gustavo. So, there are enough good musicians, but they will play only in local pubs, and the like. I wish they would be promoted better, but the producers know that such bands don't sell. And so we see: It was a mistake to allow monetary considerations to be the one and only criterion for music, and any kind of arts.
De joven era muy reaccionario con toda la basura musical que inunda de ruido nuestro entorno cotidiano, pero con los años, escucho lo que me gusta y a lo demás no le presto mucho atención...
Y los buenos, siempre serán pocos, y poco populares...;-)
Gustavo, have you ever been backstage as a roadie in concerts of such great musicians? You will see then what the truth is. ;-)
About good musicians, those people you refered to, are really great! But unfortunately we have 10 or 20 good ones, and about 876872364 plastic products of some label. You know them all, Shakira, Tsakira, Bakira, Mercy!-ira, Help-me-somebody-ira, SOS-ira, *-P !!!
Entiendo tu punto de vista, pero son los músicos y no los instrumentos los que hacen buena o mala música, todos los creadores de la música moderna: Robert Fipp, Brian Eno, Peter Hammil, Rogers Water, hasta Steve Wilson de Porcupine Tree y etc, etc, etc, se nutrieron siempre de las nuevas tecnologías...;-)
Well, the independend labels never cared for the orthonormalized gloria of the industrial series production of bad music, Gustavo! ;-)
So, here the reason for the "risky" frame is rather the admiration and respect to their unwillingness to obey some kind of generally accepted taste, that is only *created* by the mainstream labels, and is sold as some kind of quintessence of music. Those mainstream labels just *generate* demand and we just buy! ;-) Even Genesis did that after Gabriel's departure. Which goes right into the general tendency to reduce work down to some "etherial bombastic looks and sounds" coming out of some digital equipment. Strange that real scene musicians still would simply plug their guitars in valve amps, isn't it? And then the concert deserves the name. Which I try to apply to photography. ;-)
:-), nuevamente los encuadres arriesgados!..:-), bien utilizado nuevamente aquí, fijate que el horizonte lo inclinas siguiendo una de las diagonales. Imágenes cotidianas toman con esto un sesgo abstracto.