Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 4/14/2008
Hoiw did you achieved this Ilir? Did you do any afterwards editing for the light on the sky, or was that natural? Anyway it really matches the solitary tree very well and gives some amount of silent dramatic of scenes in modern theater plays! Your foucs/details are both excellent again. It is very impressive to see how the tree becomes a black silhouette with so strong contours in front of that light.
Ilir Xhemsiti
{K:4285} 3/17/2008
Thank you all my friends,for your comments, jorge,gustavo,fabio,burim,alida,emilia,anna,dirk,.. best regards ILIR
Dirk Noort
{K:9683} 3/5/2008
Excellent composition! Dirk
Anna Frosio
{K:2434} 2/27/2008
Ciao Ilir, very good shot, nice tonality of B&W. Anna
Emilia Garbera - Herghelegiu
{K:1397} 2/12/2008
very interesting photo. great work! Regards Emilia
Alida Yolanda
{K:11523} 2/11/2008
Controluce bellisimo, stupendo scatto!
Burim Luta
{K:5255} 2/11/2008
Shum foto e bukur Ilir me tone, komponim dhe detale tė hatashme.
Rrathėt e diellit po mė pėlqejn shumė sepse po i japin atmosferė magjike fotos.
E kam edhe unė njė foto tė ngjajshme tė cilėn do ta postoj sonte, shpresoj se do tė pėlqejė, dhe do ta vėrejsh se kemi shije tė pėrafėrta.
Pėrshėndetje Burimi
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 2/11/2008
very fine
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 2/11/2008
Muy buen contraluz. Felicitaciones!
jorge carvalho
{K:6262} 2/11/2008
I like this ... good composition