p e t a .
{K:18700} 9/11/2008
Oh wow, you're scary! Awesome work!
RC. Dany
{K:64104} 7/5/2008
Excellent .
{K:13087} 1/26/2008
very dramatic and i like this devilish look :-) regards, soumya
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 1/17/2008
Yeah, there's an abundance of intensity in this shot and in your post work. WOW.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174142} 1/10/2008
Love this 'dark' dramatic portrait, Grzegorz! Congratulations!
siamak jafari
{K:20075} 1/10/2008
congratulation,again a great shot from you,regards-siamak
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 1/10/2008
wooww Grzegorz.. one word.. FANTASTIC! congrats on POD. cheers roby 7+
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 1/9/2008
great character, very nice details and lightning, a real great dramatic portrait.
{K:70138} 1/8/2008
Cool and Dramatic !!!... congrats !!
sascha jonack
{K:19715} 1/8/2008
Very nice portrait. His look and the lighting a well choosen for this mean face. I hope he doesn't look alwazs like that. LOL Congrats for the award. Sascha
Adrian Nojek
{K:1349} 1/8/2008
Gilberto Simon
{K:556} 1/8/2008
Great portrait ! The light is perfect! Congrats!
One of my favourites!
{K:11377} 1/8/2008
Very cool style and originality...great potrait, Grzegorz! Harry
Victoria Boan
{K:306} 1/8/2008
i dont know about the white edges being gone i kinda like them. they kind of make him look like he is glowing...but now that i read your comment it makes sense. but i like the glowing edges.
{K:8643} 1/8/2008
Very nice light on the face in contrast to the background. I'm guessing you burned out a blown out sky or something? My only crit would be to lessen the obviousness of the white edge around the hood. Either way, nice work!