Who could be that? Michail Sergeevič Gorbačёv diving in the sorrows that remained of the totalitarian regime, that pretended to be socialism while it was only a red dictatorship?
"Australia" on the bottom of the image... a memory of the maker of the graffiti?
Perhaps some of those graffiti works contain several messages at once. Still, if they are no more decodable in the sense of the makers, then the spectator might as well use some own code to decode them, and find something, that was not the intention of the maker.
There's absolutely nothing to be sorry about, Mahassa! quite the contrary, I thank you very much for pointing that out, since until now I didn't really notice that! And indeed it is unneeded, so we crop it off image. Yeap! It's tighter now, much like a full page poster, at the cost of loss of perspective.
But perhaps you see here what I meant. The focus on this one is weaker than on those on the textured wall. OK, here it fits a bit better perhaps, since it's a diver... underwater, and thus perhaps not as clear to look at. But in general it is problematic. Even the contours of adjacent colors are not as good for perfect focus. (For me, that is.)