Hej, faleminderit shume per kete! jam i sigurt qe mburren edhe ata per nenen e tyre. meqe si ata eshte e ema e tyre :). as for me, eh 28 vjeq, e di qe jam ndryshe shume nga keta ktu qe si femij vete lindin femij. une nuk do te bie n'ate kurth! ;) be well and a big hug to the kids, V.
Oh Visar my friend, ma bere shume qjefin me fjalet e tua. 28 vjec!!! eshte akoma heret per ty, take my word for it. E di qe ne kosove cunat, martohen ne moshe shume te re, por per mendimin tim...take your time,no matter what!!! sodo te mrekullueshem femijet jane, nga ana tjeter jane nje pergjithesi qe ti duhet ti pergjigjesh 100%.24 ore ne dite, pergjithe jeten. oh femijet e mi jane te mrekullueshem, pa dyshim dhe ska nene qe te thote te kunderten,Kira, vajza, eshte nje person i vecante, shume kokeforte, ka kurajon te provoj cdo gje te re, ka nje kuriozitet te jashezkonshem,nothing scares her , I wish I was like that too!!! she is a dare devil! I love that quality about her, eshte gjithashtu shume shume e dashur, her personality is such a force of nature. I have great feeling about her getting what she wants in life & I hope I will not get in her way with my motherly love worries. she is very creative & artistic! I wasnt in her age!!!! Nga ana tjeter, Keoni, djali, eshte tip me vete, eshte me i qete, i dashur, shume i durueshem, & a great manipulator, he always gets what he wants & he does it is such a subtitle way! Ha ha ha ha.. makes a fool out of me too. but he knows so well how to play my hearts strings.is mostly content being in his world, doing his thing & doesn't mind not having all the attention on him all the time. I absolutely adore both their characters & I feel so blessed & loved having them in my life. thank you so much for you interest in them my dearest friend, Im sure one day you will be rewarded with the same joys & pains that parenthood can give a person. take care E
would you mind tell me something about your kids Edlira, I love them!!!-- mi pershkruaj sado pak, une jam i pamartuar, dhe jam vetem 28-- po cuditerisht cdo here kur i shoh kta femij, me bejne te mendoj per dicka qe zakonish nuk mendoj, bile them qe eshte larg from making it happen! sidoqofte, ... write me back, V. give them my warmest regards, V.
Well what can I say except to congratulate you on another great shot from you.
You know I actualy admire your portraits cause I don't have the courage to do portraits, I have a kind of fear of taking portraits myself, fear that the people will not like it.