Gennaro Guarino
{K:12372} 9/17/2007
Patrick Crowther
{K:13393} 9/16/2007
I can't believe this photograph hasn't received more comments... sometimes I feel I must be looking at a different image from everyone else... this really is so amazing, and should have received an award too. Photo of the day for me, for sure.
Patrick Crowther
{K:13393} 9/15/2007
Thanks for the info... it really is an amazing piece of architecture.
Gennaro Guarino
{K:12372} 9/15/2007
this is the bridge across france and germany. the french side is very near strasbourg and the german side would be Kehl am Rhein
Patrick Crowther
{K:13393} 9/15/2007
Un capolavoro, Gennaro! Ottimo B&W, la composizione č fortissima, l'immagine piena di atmosfera, con un'aria misteriosa e abbastanza surreale. Il ponte č straordinario... un capolavoro di design. Dove in Germania ha fatto questa foto? Potrebbe fammi sapere? Secondo me, questo posto per un fotografo č perfetto. Sette 7+++++++ e va nelle preferite...
{K:70138} 9/15/2007
Superb B&W image !!!.. Quite like a painting !!!
Marcelo Berraz
{K:12906} 9/15/2007
Gran composición y estupendos tonos; bravo!!M.