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Image Title:  Mall
Favorites: 0 
 By: Campbell Cameron  
  Copyright ©2007

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Photographer Campbell Cameron  Campbell Cameron {Karma:1682}
Project N/A Camera Model voigtlander bessa r3a
Categories From The Field
Film Format Film 35mm
Portfolio Lens Nokton 40mm F1.4
Uploaded 6/24/2007 Film / Memory Type Ilford  Hp-5 Plus
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 366 Shutter 1/250
Favorites Aperture f/5.6
Critiques 6 Rating
/ 2 Ratings
Location City -  Livingstone
Country - United Kingdom   United Kingdom
About Just another mall with people meandering about with faces that say "entertain me!" I find these places grim and characterless. What is the solution to stopping the spread of these monstrosities.
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There are 6 Comments in 1 Pages
Campbell Cameron Campbell Cameron   {K:1682} 7/12/2007
Regards to you Ahmad, thank you for your kind comments.


Ahmad Hasan Ahmad Hasan   {K:4164} 7/8/2007
very nic view of the people and place ,regards


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 6/30/2007
Thanks a lot for the great reply, Robert! Oh well, should I be a knight, then this could be the reason for the upset reactions of some people here, when I don't always simply say "oh, beautiful" ;-)

Your answer did make sense and a brilliant one! So we stay on that road, and catch all that which might be forgotten soon, and that not only in the sense of presenting "beauty" (whatever that might be ;-)) but rather for presenting messages and posing questions that could also turn very uncomfortable to many.

But the questions must be raised, the doubts must be heard, the thoughts must be thought, and the truth has to be spoken directly though the captured image.

Best wishes and keep it up,



Ardalan Haddad Ardalan Haddad   {K:15567} 6/29/2007
again your mindful shot is reflecting out a message from your personal perspectives...

it's very precious to let others know how we get influenced with different environmental changes...whether it's about Malls,Clubs,Buildings or whatever that has got such an impact...

Well,i believe that your vision into a grim and characterless status,is quite relevant and true...
because, it's more becoming like a habit and style,rather than a well-designed and grown-up culture... it's just a style,and nonsense in many ways...
But that's how it is...

Good luck dear bro,
Keep it UP!

I like your different inner outlook...

Take a good care,
Stay Warm and Happy,


Campbell Cameron Campbell Cameron   {K:1682} 6/28/2007
The remnants of our present become our past forgotten. Through photography we negate these occurrences and catch our images as they pass unnoticed to far too many. We shall present the past to the present who remain ambivalent to the requirement to preserve these experiences. This is our mission-our goal-and onward road the brave 500, onto the valley of death. Hope this makes sense Sir Nick. Cos your a Knight to me!
Kindest regards,


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 6/28/2007
That the kind of photography that manages to put a daily scene, something very usual, under a special view - agrreing with one of the main postulates of photography. It is not what we capture but how we capture it.

Your perpective, enhanced by the reflections of the strong lights, put the persons in some kind of a theater scene, but one that includes the spectator too. And there is a huge amount of details here that are perceived in an almost unconscious way - like for example the tiniest spots on the floor, that are extremely hard to depict so well. Together with the other details they define that perpective in which the spectator not only looks a photo from the outside but rather from the inside - like being there. And in this way the monstrosity gets stronger, since it can be observed by the spectator who is already a part of it.

A very strong self-reference.

Hat off!





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