Tamara L
{K:1387} 11/6/2007
Oh I can recognize selfportrait on mile :) Allways happy to see others do them too. Is this window light? Thats what I use most
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 6/15/2007
You definatly have wonderful piercing eyes. B&W SUITS THIS WELL. Great self portrait. MAry
Melanie Reynolds
{K:9096} 6/5/2007
Wowza! Great deail! Love the natural model and that model you have there is quite easy on the eyes The B&W tones are quite nice too. Great work, Guilio!
Simona Sagona
{K:239} 5/23/2007
Sai cosa mi incuriosisce tanto di questa foto? Mi piacerebbe sapere a cosa pensavi mentre la scattavi hai uno sguardo talmente profondo che ti penetra nell'anima. Bravo bravo.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 5/21/2007
great portrait Giulio, looks like a pirate :) very nice strong contrast
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174136} 5/21/2007
Another great sel-portrait, Giulio. Alway enjoy seeing those beautiful eyes of yours.:)
Olga-Eva Krajciova
{K:19240} 5/20/2007
Giulio, I like all your pictures, I consider them all very great, creative and it is really possible to see you capture them with a srong feeling for "beauty" and "aesthetics". But honestly, your self-portraits are really the best. I think that the reason why is that you accept yourself the way you are and you like, many people are not able to do that and then as well are not able to behave naturally in front of camera.
I was told once that each photograph is just a captured real moment...what means that the moment when you were capturing this image was calm, nice...covered by great light and atmosphere, with a beaty of black and white and your big accenptance of yourself. Great work again.