Francisco N-G
{K:28728} 2/7/2008
I like this time of "beautiful animals"; I have some pictures that were considered too dark for posting.
Hope you're doing well my dear.
Just walking on the path of your art today.
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 2/7/2007
wow looks like hawk bait to me, this is what the look like after the birds finish with them, some might see it as dimm or dark but as in life there is death..
fokstrot .
{K:6560} 1/28/2007
Thanks Mike for some tips and your own view at this picture. I appreciate it.
fokstrot .
{K:6560} 1/28/2007
Dear Alain,
title isn't grim and sarcastic in my eyes. I wanted to show that dead beings can be beautiful either and arrange it in series. But it depends how people see 'death problem'. I like your interpretation either, but it is different than mine. I think it's poetical topic, that's why I put it into "Poetry in pictures" section. :) I guess it could be good topic for long discussion, heh.
Alain Mijngheer
{K:11733} 1/27/2007
A sarcastic and grimm title indeed. Love it for the technical execution, color and toy-camera type of focus. Not the subject, that is too morose.
Mike Adams
{K:7180} 1/26/2007
Wow. The title is deceiving. Good shot. I think the DOF could be adjusted a bit so that the face of the mouse is more in focus.
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 1/26/2007
of mice and men :))