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doesn't matter ...!
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 By: Ardalan Haddad  
  Copyright ©2007

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Photographer Ardalan Haddad  Ardalan Haddad {Karma:15567}
Project #51 Silhouettes and Abstracts Camera Model Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Categories Seascapes
Film Format
Portfolio New Visions...
Lens 72.0 mm 1:2.7-3.5 USM
Uploaded 1/10/2007 Film / Memory Type -
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Views 437 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 20 Rating
/ 5 Ratings
Location City -  Melbourne
Country - Australia   Australia
About Doesn't matter how it is. we can still enjoy. Stormy, Windy, and angry. we can still enjoy. Taking this shot inspired me by this great real idea that is happening in our lives and we may not be aware of them.
It's about how to be at our being.
it's about how to be at the moment.
It's about how to be at times look unusual.
it's about how to be enjoying at the moments.
and so on and so forth.
looking at these group of friends makes me feel stupid about how stupid we can be to think that if something is unusual than it should be it might not let us feel good or enjoyable. BUT this is not TURE all the times. IT's not GERERAL. IT's relational,relarive and comparative.
IT's me and you who give meaning to our moments. IF you have heard of STORM as a BAD, does it mean that STORM is BAD?
Unfortunately many of us have been influence by many traditional way of thinking which has been chainly repeated into our life. and in other words, we are inspired unwantedly by some meanings that are all created by some eveidences and it's just a wrong gerenral conclusion for a happening.

What i mean here is that what you know as a horror, or terrible or trouble and any other aspects in your life, it is not necessary true. It can be very good and constructive to you. and make you feel inverted to better.

I don't know how to finalize this ,but i hope you got the clure to some extent.

All the best my dearest friends.

Stay Green,
my prayers are with you all.
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There are 20 Comments in 1 Pages
Maryam Ashoori Maryam Ashoori   {K:2186} 2/5/2007
Just loved it! :)


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 1/12/2007
I am glad I have decorated your thoughts ... but you have to know that you are one and only (uniqe) and always the same person in every situation of your life ...
Warm hugs,


Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen   {K:55244} 1/12/2007
Dear Ardalan
I do agree with you. We all have different definitions of feeling or being safe be it physical or emotional, an outer threath or ourselves.
Some would feel very safe if being in my shoes and the other way around. Nobody has the final recipe for this. Also unexpected events can occur any time turning oneīs world upside down. Thatīs why we must try to aopreciate the good time we have and not rush too much.
Have a nice weekend!


Koteiba Fayyad Koteiba Fayyad   {K:3539} 1/12/2007
this is really sexy and dangerous :) .. contrast is really stunning and those storm dwellers silhouette.. lovely


Alicia Popp   {K:87532} 1/12/2007
Estupenda captura.. excelentes siluetas... una maravilla de toma


Ardalan Haddad Ardalan Haddad   {K:15567} 1/12/2007
simple and deep in meaning.

I love that.
thanks my dear Hanna.

Take care,


Hanna Segal Hanna Segal   {K:13469} 1/12/2007
Sometimes you're part of it, sometimes you're a witness, still one and the same person:)


Ardalan Haddad Ardalan Haddad   {K:15567} 1/11/2007
thanks dear bro,Pablo.
so glad to see your comment.

Take care,
Stay Green...


Pablo Dylan Pablo Dylan   {K:63918} 1/11/2007
Great shot and marvelous about.
Thank for share.



Ardalan Haddad Ardalan Haddad   {K:15567} 1/11/2007
my dear bro,Alessandro,
what a good surprise when I read your comments...

Thanks a lot man,
your are so kind to me,

Take care please.


Ardalan Haddad Ardalan Haddad   {K:15567} 1/11/2007
my dear Annemetter,
what a lovely wording of your believes.
I read them all carefully.and im 100% agree with you. That's write. Without feeling safe ,nothing can be enjoyable.
But there is a very important point behind that.
How we feel safe and how it means to us. Does it mean that we do not want to get hurt ? does it mean that we want to just be out of the circle and watch the troubles and whatever seems annoying when we are in ?
Well, to me it doesn't matter where we are, it's me and you who set our boudaries, and defenitions.
SAfty have a lot of different ratios. and it's not the same for every sigle person.
The thing im trying to mention is that we should not expect to feel safe. because safty is sometimes fake. and as long as we are away from something we may call trouble, it's just an illusion. and it should not stop us to take part in what we may feel unsafe about. So, safty is relative.

I hope i could convey my mean more obviously.

Thanks again dear Annemette.

Take care ,
I will stay Green. Im green when I have people in my life.



Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen Annemette Rosenborg Eriksen   {K:55244} 1/11/2007
Dear Ardalan
Indeed we need to look at things differently once in a while. It can be difficult trapped in a certain reality and behaving accordingly to what is expected and what has been taught through life.
I also think it depends on our current mood and situation. I love big storms, thunderstorms, watching the elements roar, but not if I was caught in it with no way out, and not if I lived in a small hutt that was torn away. Itīs easier to enjoy some things when feeling safe.
I have often seen books that tell you what it means when youīve dreamt about this and that. That is absurd as we think differently. I like snakes and reptiles, mice and rats and most other animals so I link them to something good whereas others link them to awful things. Well that was a sideremark!:-)
Anyway a nice photo with your friends all having their own sense of the moment!
Take care and do indeed stay green - the colour of hope and new beginnings- my favourite colour.


Alessandro Piazza Alessandro Piazza   {K:2213} 1/11/2007
Great the composition...
just as much as the concept
my friend here you come with another of your pearls
take care


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174142} 1/11/2007
I'm glad you are happy, dear Ardalan!:)


Ardalan Haddad Ardalan Haddad   {K:15567} 1/11/2007
dear teacher, Shirley. What a big happy moment to see you liked the shot.

All the bests to you and all your beloveds.



Ardalan Haddad Ardalan Haddad   {K:15567} 1/11/2007
once again my dear friend's wording has decorated my thoughts.Thanks dear Srna...
I do appreciate your idea sharing,and supports.

All the bests,
Stay Green and Sunny,


Ardalan Haddad Ardalan Haddad   {K:15567} 1/11/2007
very glad of having new friend,as i upload new shots.
It's a big pleasure. and so valuable to me.

Thanks Jose.

All the bests to you in 2007 +


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174142} 1/11/2007
Beautiful work, even inverted...and beautiful words again, dear Ardalan!:)


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 1/10/2007
It's about how to be at our being.
it's about how to be at the moment.
It's about how to be at times looks unsual.
it's about how to be enjoying at the moments.
I would end with your words or my opinion ends like this ... I do believe in this very very much !!!
And you have here my dear exellent composition, the perfect one in all aspects. I told you, your work is more and more beautiful :)
You know the rate.
I realy do give You my hand.


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 1/10/2007
stuning silhouettes.marvelous composition. superb. 7++++




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