Mark Julian
{K:36866} 12/17/2006
Whoa, I REALLY dig the expression going on here. Send her my way, I have some stuff to fix her hair (if that's a problem) - it's time to whip out some handcuffs and rope (and a few other things) for this one. Yeah, Lynyrd Skynyrd, I could say FREEBIRD but I'll go with GIMME BACK MY BULLETS instead considering..... I tell you Paul, I love the look on this little Minx...put her on that "Road Trip" list FOR SURE, there's always room for one more !!! (plus GREAT skin/GREAT hair !!!)
Look Around/show me Holy Places not yet found/Let's disappear and we'll go underground/we'll get high and we'll feel safe and sound/I've even traded in my black feathers for a crown - she's got my Soul Singing, my Soul Singing......... for the Minx Babe (am I in love? I just might be...)
* *
{K:9196} 12/16/2006
The Lynyrd Skynyrd T-Shirt is a nice touch. 1976? The Irony is that this Model wasn't even born then.
The greys throughout the shot are good.
She wants to be in your face. That's a good quality for a Model.
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 12/16/2006
Yeah, that was my feeling, too, Chris. I was first bothered, and then attracted by that lock of hair and what it said about the moment.
Thanks for the comment (there seems to less of that on Usefilm these days).
Chris Boivin
{K:9030} 12/16/2006
Both! Good portrait and lovely model. Lighting is nice. My first thought was that the hair is a bit distracting but it grew on me. Well done. Chris
Brian Coover
{K:-107} 12/16/2006
Mabey she is upset at the piece of hair in her face and it wont stay where it's supposed to. still cute.