Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 12/30/2006
Nice panoramic, Jim..... I like your composition here. The placement of the barn and the empty snow field is perfect. Good colors going on, too.
Best wishes to you and a happy new year back in Illinoize,
Dave Arnold
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 12/9/2006
I know you... you just wanna peek in the window....
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 12/9/2006
A Kiwi!!! Welcome! Well, here is the address. United States, Illinois, Bureau County, Hall Township... and that one road what goes over by dere.. take a left, that house...
If ya want the barn a bit farther from the edge... take the pic yerseff..
But ya are welcome to stop by for a beer or four!!! I like you guys almost as much as I like Brits. Do ya know Ian McIntosh????
Dan Wilson
{K:21104} 12/8/2006
Very interesting Panorama, I like how there is not much to this shot. I myself would prefer to see the barn a little further from that edge
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 12/8/2006
so the house quotes daffy duck.. "hey gimme a close up"
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 12/8/2006
Ah, a Canuck!!! Welcome and thanks for the comment. Many, many, many of my photos are designed to say more than they show. I always have the hope folks will look and my image and say, "Ahhh! I get it!" and more is woven in the image than is spoken of in the "about." Thanks, again. Jim
Jean-Francois Garneau
{K:1898} 12/8/2006
Love the simple and clean composition. Well done. J-F