Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 11/21/2006
Fantastic shot Brian
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174145} 11/21/2006
Very nice street capture, Brian!:)
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 11/20/2006
Well seen and captured Brian!
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
brian underdown
{K:-960} 11/20/2006
thank you pablo.brian
brian underdown
{K:-960} 11/20/2006
thank you Ivonne.brian
brian underdown
{K:-960} 11/20/2006
thank you gregory .brian
brian underdown
{K:-960} 11/20/2006
thank you david.brian
brian underdown
{K:-960} 11/20/2006
hello m8 , how r u glad you like this one.it was taken at aylesford priory one sunday back in july .lots of religous people looking very thoughtfull and sad have quite a few more to upload next few days. anyway hope all is well at the tattoo shop saw it on the news 2nite !!! brian
Brendan Mudd
{K:431} 11/20/2006
Looks like you been to Italy for your hols Bri. Very good work m8....like it a lot. All the best..Brendan
David Killeen
{K:131} 11/20/2006
Super photo Brian.
Grzegorz Markowski
{K:6537} 11/20/2006
very good :) !
Ivonne *
{K:8711} 11/20/2006
Great ! Beautiful noticed moment.. Bravo ! Ivi
Pablo Dylan
{K:63918} 11/20/2006
Excellent street.