{K:9563} 10/7/2006
haha Pawel :) I am not the best at English and idioms is a total mistery area for me :( thanks :) :)
Pawel Chrzanowski
{K:453} 10/6/2006
"you're smoking" = "dajesz czadu" :)
{K:9563} 10/6/2006
Pawel, of course I am not!
but ... yes... have photos with a cigarette
but... you know... not always photos show the truth :)
Pawel Chrzanowski
{K:453} 10/4/2006
... but you - you're smoking :)
Pawel Chrzanowski
{K:453} 10/4/2006
... and no, I haven't smoked anything today
Pawel Chrzanowski
{K:453} 10/4/2006
... calws of nature
Pawel Chrzanowski
{K:453} 10/4/2006
... potential well
Pawel Chrzanowski
{K:453} 10/4/2006
Black-hole sun
Andrzej Pradzynski
{K:22541} 10/3/2006
No, no Monika ;), I'm using my astronomical metaphores here to express that the sense of love has only poetic meaning so my metaphores can apply to describe a state, shape or feelings associated. If this is "black hole" the other could be a "white dwarf" or anything that brings it closer to ethernity and generic sense of existance with all the falls and rises. All this is as much philosophical as existence is and my comment is just a continuation of the discussion you've started a couple of your shots earlier. Do you agree?
Oui Lee
{K:3238} 10/3/2006
perfect tones and dof!!! regards
Jackie Curtis
{K:1864} 10/3/2006
I really like your point of focus here. DoF is wonderful. Very effective photo.
{K:9563} 10/3/2006
No, no Andrzej :) The question about the sense of love was in another photo - my romantic rose http://www.usefilm.com/Image.asp?ID=1185418
Here I tried to show that after bad days we can expect to see the sun. Actually I went for flowers to the fields around my home (I live at the very end of the town) and it started raining. I wanted to find some leaves of wild flowers ... but on the way back noticed these sunny flowers under the three. So now they smile in my room
Smiles to All narabia :)
Andrzej Pradzynski
{K:22541} 10/3/2006
Monika, there is a big hole and deep bloory sense of nothingness just behind the petals, is it a black hole of "the sense of love"? Cheers, NJ PS, hm? did I say it's an esence of beauty, sorry Monika I'm quite often not focused on things that are obvious.
Giuseppe Guadagno
{K:34002} 10/2/2006
Clever Monika the isolation of only three petals neat in front of the blurry crown of all the other petals. Colours, shape and lights recall to me a sun eruption. I like the photo very much. Ciao Monika.