justin ames
{K:1860} 7/10/2007
thank you for your kind comments, alfred.
best regards, justin
Albert Jacobs
{K:9527} 7/10/2007
Hi Justin,
Btw I forgot to mention that I had a view on your portfolio on usefilm. Great work, specially like your approach to get abstract views.
The mathematical aspect in realisation, the subject choice and ideas are simply great and deserve close attention. Compliments !!!
Friendly greetz, Albert Jacobs
Albert Jacobs
{K:9527} 7/10/2007
Hi Justin,
Guess what..? It is a "soft porn staring congressman foley...drat". It's only difficult to recognize, from this bit abstract view. But ya if ya look closer, yeah than it's clear... Things are what they seem to be. It's all a matter of interpretation and perception, the basic key to understand.
Friendly greetz, Albert Jacobs
Banie Prinsloo
{K:1089} 2/5/2007
Great PS Work. I Love It Nice Portfolio Albert. Banie
justin ames
{K:1860} 10/7/2006
gee, and i thought it was soft porn staring congressman foley...drat.
John Markiel
{K:309} 9/21/2006
A very arresting image with the perfect diagonal and the moon precisely at the "rule of thirds" intersection. I really like that the moon and panel both show very clear variations that add to the overall image. It would also be interesting to see what happens when you "break the rules". Good job.
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 9/20/2006
Beautiful........amazing image!
Joe Johnson
{K:8529} 9/19/2006
Rewarded, not rewarding. And I meant I don't see many composite images being posted here, any more.
Joe Johnson
{K:8529} 9/19/2006
In other words, it's a composite. It's done all the time in the add business. I generally don't have a need to combine photos except to add range or focus of exactly the same scene. But compositing can be used to great effect. Over a year ago, before - 'the change' - on this site, there was someone who was applauded and rewarding by the site owners for some clever compositing. I don't see much coming through here, now.
Albert Jacobs
{K:9527} 9/19/2006
Hello Hanna and Angela,
Wahat you are looking at is a part of a panel to collect energy from sunlight, taken under a certain angle.
The panel at 1,00 s, F5.6, 300 mm macro and the moon at 1/20 s, F5.6, 300 mm. The seperated images were added.
Angela DeLong
{K:3050} 9/19/2006
Not sure what I'm looking at, but I like it. Pleasing to the eye. Nice experiment.
Hanna Segal
{K:13469} 9/13/2006
Whoa! I have to try this.