City - Zuni National Forest State - NEW MEXICO Country - United States
Just in time for winter, the Zuni National Forest blooms following the late summer monsoons that have graced (or plagued, depends how you look at it) New Mexico.
This forest has remained closed for most of the summer because of the heavy fire danger. Though only 15 miles from my home, this was the first time I've had a chance to explore this beautiful forest since moving here.
Thank you Nacho. I was taken aback by the sites I saw during this trip into my nearby mountains. It was my first trip up there since the forest was closed most of the summer due to fire danger. I really thought I had captured the beauty of the wildflowers and was surprised that not very many people have seemed to enjoy this photo.
precioso rincón de rocas, flores y tronco...espectaculares formas tiene esas rocas, los amarillos y verdes intensos de la plantas, realmente un lugar para quedarse! Felicitaciones y gracias por compartirlo!