Surely the coloured version has a major attractive from the view point. If I can i gonna give you some suggests that my "photo" master Paolo Pagnini give me when i start shot landscape like this: first the orizon line, that must be perfectly right, i know that sometime too much details can distract you from this and so you can make it right with PS. second there's too much details and nothing that could be the ONE we must look: if there was a gull, a lonely boat or similar it would be perfect; but if there is nothing, the best is to give us the most possible panoramic view you can. third the spaces: here the shot is divided by the boat's line in two part, sky and see. You must decide what's the most important between and move the "boat's line" upper or downer. I hope you take those suggests on the right way, i'm not a professionist, but in past i did similar mystake, and so...