After too many trials and errors finally I catched the moment. I'm not used yet with compact digitals and I'm not very comfortable with them especially I don't handle right the shutter's delay. I miss shooting with my old Pentax SLR but I want to improve. I'm not very shure if this ambition is worthing...
Thanks Pedja for the comment, I'm not sure I understood everything, but anyway... I didn't use a flash, I wanted to use just the ambient light and move the camera (a sort of panning, but I didn't want the subject focused). But, because of the delay specific to digital compacts, I haven't catched the moment and the position I wanted.
Pa dobro je, nije lose. Pokusaj(ako taj Lumix ima tu mogucnost) da ukljucis blic na drugu zastavicu (da osvijetli i jasno prikaze kraj, a da se ipak vidi pokret) Samo nastavi sa eksperimentima! Pozdrav i puno srece, Pedja