Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 9/15/2006
Thank You Susie so glad you like it. Global warming and all the crazy weather everywhere is one thing, but 'now we have tsunami' warnings here. In the late 1700 there was a monster tsunami right here that helped created this spot right...30 ft. waves, and they went all the way up to your part of the country !!!! Yikes! Mother Nature Always Rules !
Best wishes to You , Michele~
Susie Peek-Swint
{K:7303} 9/14/2006
Great shot Michele ~ the touches of green in the foreground really adds dimension ~ well done! Not sure I'd want to live there either.. with global warming they could find themselves under water! best to you, susie
jessie voigts
{K:6772} 8/2/2006
new camera? did i miss something?/ yahoo!! good for you.
i love reading what the pictures are about. that is half the story, for me. it is so fun to learn AND see. you know?? thank you for putting the words in! :)
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 8/1/2006
Haaa! Good one jessie ... my sky blends right into the UF site... You are right it absolutely does ! Thank You for the very kind comment and also for actually reading what the pictures are about as well as writing your own discriptions of what your pictures are about. Soo many people don't . I appreciate that you do. It's fun to learn about other places and lifestyles ...it's fun to learn right jess? ( weew, long sentence's)) Thank You again, Michele~
jessie voigts
{K:6772} 8/1/2006
beautiful, michele. the sky just blends right into the usefilm site. i think of those big expensive houses and wonder what they were thinking!? great shot.
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 8/1/2006
Yes your right about that. I have noticed the same thing with my pics! it is strange. This is a very very good shot as I said but with the dslr and a different lens....(same shot become a perfect as you can bring the distance up closer and all the creative options you have. Thats one of the main reasons Im excited about your new camera! Take care time for me to go.......
Take care my friend
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 8/1/2006
Thank you Paul... How odd it is the images you think nothing of 'others like' and the ones you think are good, no one remarks about ...> at times anyway<< I wasn't so sure about this one. I appreciate the encouragement. Take care my friend, michele~
The Pilgrim
{K:65007} 8/1/2006
Ohhhh Michele I really dig this view! Well seen and captured! Your doing such wonderful work with your point and shoot! Your gonna knock us dead with that new DSLR!!
congrats to you my friend,
your friend
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 8/1/2006
You are like 'the eyes In the sky' You don't miss much of anything Rashed. Thank You for your comment and even paying me attention ! All of the Best to you my friend, Guess I don't have to sign my name either eyhe ? Ha !!!It feels rude not to tho so , Good-night , Michele~
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 8/1/2006
very impresive place and very great capture, I did enjoy viewing this image, all of the best my friend