Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 7/31/2006
Hi ana ! Thank you for keeping in touch. I am glad you think this is a wonderful place. It really is...I just belong in-land and not on the coast where the weather is mild and damp....but in a few miles I can be in a much warmer climate . There are 3 rivers and maybe a dz. large creeks,a bay, + a lake, in this small coastal town making it truely something for everyone ! Michele~
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 7/31/2006
Thank you Nacho ! Michele~
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 7/31/2006
Michele what a wonderfull place!
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 7/31/2006
wonderful. marvelous composition.
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 7/31/2006
You are smart jessie. at one time my x + I had what we thought was our dream land property on this river 15 miles up away from 2 towns ... it ended up 9 ft. under-water ...we lost nothing compared to what others lost. We have our lives right ? Michele~
jessie voigts
{K:6772} 7/31/2006
so interesting, michele. i would be afraid to live in a house on stilts!!
i am intrigued by this photo. thanks!