Alessandro Capelli
{K:34805} 7/28/2006
Oh dear Mary, you are too kind! Thank you SO much! I'm happy that you like this self..I'm happy that you like me;-) My best wishes my friend.. Ciao, Ale
Mary Slade
{K:40338} 7/28/2006
Great image- well cool my man!! James Dean! A good portrait.
Alessandro Capelli
{K:34805} 7/28/2006
Today I'm happy..it's the last work day before the holidays! And for all August I'm at my mountain home! But the last week I go with my cousin Emanuele (http://www.usefilm.com/photographer.asp?id=109631) in Ireland to visit Emanuele's sister Serenella..
Have all the best my dear friend! Ciao, Ale
Phillip Minnis
{K:13131} 7/28/2006
Alessandro Capelli
{K:34805} 7/28/2006
Oh yes, thousands and thousands girls, in a queue line, that split to half all Milan city! ahah
Cheers my friend, Ale
Phillip Minnis
{K:13131} 7/28/2006
LOL, Alessandro.
They might be lined up outside the lab door! LOL
Alessandro Capelli
{K:34805} 7/28/2006
Ah Ah! Thanks dear Phil! You are too kind! As you see, sometimes I find a little time to come here on UF..because yes, I'm besieged from the girls! Many and many girls in queue for me! Yes..all this maybe in a dream..;-) Now I'm at work, alone in my lab..
Ciao my friend! Ale
Phillip Minnis
{K:13131} 7/28/2006
What a cool guy!!! Nice to see what you look like! It's a wonder you have time to be on here - aren't you to busy fobbing the girls off??? LOL
Alessandro Capelli
{K:34805} 7/28/2006
I'm happy that you like this self! Yes, I hide my eyes..but..look, if you improve the brightness my eyes appear, and you can see how I was looking..I was looking the empty space in front of me! Thanks for your visit dear Ray! Ciao, Ale
..don't consider the quality of the image..but watches the eyes! |
stingRay pt.4 .
{K:250401} 7/28/2006
Aha, this is a better sighting of you my friend, we can get a better indication of how you look. However, I see that you choose to hide behind dark glasses which gives you a kind of sinister and dramatic look. Good work though, well done Ale. Cheers my friend.....Ray
Alessandro Capelli
{K:34805} 7/27/2006
Ma sì, so che è perchè tu sei molto affezionato a Pentax..probabilmente perchè ti ci trovi bene..e comunque davvero Nikon non è che mi ispira molto, pur sapendo che è comunque uo dei marchi migliori.. Ciao!
Maurizio Ubaldini
{K:1350} 7/27/2006
Per intederci....si scherza, Nikon è un gran marchio e che sono un pò di parte ;)
Alessandro Capelli
{K:34805} 7/27/2006
Eh eh..ma no dai, poi questa l'avevo fatta un pò di tempo prima..proprio non ti va giù la Nikon eh? Ma io ti dico già che non penso di comprarne mai una..non so ancora di che marca sarà la mia reflex..ma Nikon non mi ispira..si vedrà! Comunque oggi ritiro dal fotografo delle foto fatte con questa Nikon..chissà che ci sia qualcosa di buono e stasera non carichi qualcosa..boh.. Ciao! Ale
Maurizio Ubaldini
{K:1350} 7/27/2006
Dopo avre usato la Nikon che faccia scura che hai...ti capisco..hi...hi... Ciao ;))
Alessandro Capelli
{K:34805} 7/27/2006
..oh..no, she didn't see this..because..I'm single..sigh..:-((
Bye my friend, Ale
{K:70138} 7/27/2006
Did your girlfriend see this ??? ha ha ha
all the very best, Avi